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callierose; jpeyyyyy

joeybirlem; what's up callie baby?

callierose; i'm standing on clouds :;))

joeybirlem; i don't understand what you mean babe

callierose; i'm higher than the clouds ((:;

joeybirlem; wait your high!? as in high on drugs?

callierose; i don't know ask mikye

joeybirlem; mikey barone?

callierose; yup :D

joeybirlem; god callie where are you?

callierose; i'm in jack gilinskys house chilling with jack j and sammy :)!

joeybirlem; baby they're like 21!!1!!11!

callierose; calm down daddy ;)'

joeybirlem; callie rose stop that right now!

callierose; stop what ;-)

joeybirlem; callie take a nap

callierose; no:(

joeybirlem; baby take a nap

callierose; i don't wanna

joeybirlem; too bad go to sleep and we can go to macdonalds

callierose; i don't want to

joeybirlem; it will make you feel better :)

callierose; >:-(

joeybirlem; callie baby please take a nap. just do it for me and then we can cuddle okay?

callierose; okay only because i live you tho

joeybirlem; gn callie

joeybirlem; i live you too lol

drunken snapchats ; joeybirlemWhere stories live. Discover now