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j o e y

"bella come on!" i groaned from the car. we were currently parked outside of callies house and i was nervous as hell. i tried pulling hand again but she gave me that look that told me she wasn't coming with me

"joey you've got this just go tell her how you feel" she gave me a comforting smile before shooting me off

i walk along the path reciting what i was going to say make sure every sentence made perfect sense

i stood infront of the large white door and rung the doorbell. almost instantly my palms began to grow sweaty ,i could fell the droplets on my forehead too

what is this girl doing to me?

"coming" i heard her voice from afar. the little pitter patter of her feet was also heard as she skipped down the stairs

the handle began to drop down and her face was a little red and her eyes looked puffy. she had been crying. my heart broke at the sight and tears began to build up in my eyes

"i'm so sorry" i said in a almost inaudible whisper, i reached up to touch her cheek put she moved her hand away making me wince a little

"i know you are. please leave joey i can't be around you right now" she said her voice was quite and it also sounded sore as if her throat was dried up

"callie please let me talk?" i asked put she looked at me with tear eyes and shook her head slowly

"i can't i'm sorry" she cried out as tears began to fall. as i stepped forward to comfort her she closed the door in my face making a few droplets fall from my waterline

"no callie! don't shut me out like this please. i came here to tell you how i really felt and that's what i'm going to do!" i spoke with finality in my voice even though i was shitting bricks ,
"callie i know your still there because that annoying ass floor tile creaks when a crumb drops on it" i chuckle

i heard a little laugh come from the other side of the door making my face twitch into a small smile

"i know you probably think that i'm a total dick because i basically asked you to ask someone else out for me. i wanted to ask you out on a date but i got too scared and chickened out of it because i'm a dumbass" i said as the tears on my waterline slipped down my face slowly

"that was stupid" i heard her mumble causing me to smile a little because i can hear the smile in her voice

"i know i know. i'm so so so sorry about hurting you i really didn't mean for it to happen i just... um i don't know i thought maybe you would have taken it better because i didn't think that you liked me like that"

a scoff is heard and i just nod even though she can't see me

"i'm here to ask if would even consider making something happen between us because i can't shake these feelings i get when i'm with you" tears began falling more regularly

"i'm sorry joey but i don't want to try. it might end up with me being hurt. it's too late anyway i've moved on from that. it's in the past so please don't speak to me anymore it hurts to much" she cried

shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit

"callie baby please i i i love you" i said shocking myself i knew it was true but i never thought i would ever say this to her

"i love you too joey but i can't chance getting hurt joey i'm sorry but i'm not doing it"

i placed the box that i had been holding in my hands in case this went bad down out side her door knowing she'll look out to see if i was gone

"i love you" i said whilst walking away from her house. as soon as i stepped in the car bellas arms enveloped me into her embrace

"i'm so sorry joey" she whispered kissing my head as she comforted me


c a l l i e

i couldn't hold my tears back as i checked if joey had left. he wasn't there and neither was any cars all there was was a box

i took the box inside with me and walked up to my room. i opened up the box and found a teddy bear , a sweatshirt , chocolates and ice cream

at the bottom of the box there was a note it read...

'dear callie baby,
i know you mad at me and i know that you probably hate me but i'm sorry and i love you. i love having long conversations about stupid shit and i love how you smile at my cheesy jokes. after all this time of us talking 7 months and 24 days to be exact i realised that we haven't even got each other's numbers so here it is in case you ever need me. and i can assure you i will be there as soon as you call

+(234) 798 1234

lots of love signed ,
jojo xoxo

ps; i hope one day you contact me so we can go to lunch or something.


drunken snapchats ; joeybirlemWhere stories live. Discover now