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a thin layer of sweat coated my hands as i pulled up outside of joeys house. to say i was nervous would be an understatement my heart is in my mouth.

i honked my horn and waited for him. as i waited i began to access this whole situation and realisation kicked in i realised how serious this all could be.

it could change our lives! i'm only seventeen i can't squeeze out a child. i knew we shouldn't have done it i told him but i was stupid enough to go along with it now i have to deal with the consequences.

my passenger side door opened and a nervous looking joey climbed in he kissed my cheek before putting on his seatbelt, "hi baby".

"hi joey" i gave him a small smile as i pulled out of the drive way. my heart was racing at such a high pace that i thought it was going to break out my chest.

"just calm down callie if your stressed it will make everything worse. just breath baby. breath" joey spoke softly as he noticed my distressed state.

"i can't joey i can't calm down! i could be pregnant and my father will not allow that joey he won't. and how am i going to be able to look after a kid huh? i can't do it" i spoke fast and harsh as if it was his fault but i know that it takes two to make a kid.

he played with my fingers and kissed my hand, " callie yes you can! you would be an amazing mother. your so caring and gentle and your a really good cook. see look your mother material baby", i know he's trying to make me feel better but it's making me feel worse.

i parked in the car park and we both got out and head into target to get a pregnancy test. we looked at the shelves that had atleast 20 different brands on it.

"how the hell do we chose which one?" i ask joey and he looks at me dumbfounded.

"i thought there was only one kind?" joey said more as a question.

"oh hello you two you guys just keep getting cuter and cuter" a familiar voice spoke from behind us and we both immediately turned around.

it was the women who served us all the time at macdonalds (i forgot her name so let's go with katie). i almost gasped however i controlled myself

"oh hey how are you" joey laughed nervously as he scratched the back of his neck. katie look behind us and then at me and then joey and back and forth until she looked at my stomach.

"your not pregnant are you callie?" she asked joey and i looked at each other then back to katie.

"um well- um we- i don't know. maybe you could help us?" i asked i'm guessing she knows about this type of thing "well we came her to ya know find out. but there's so many different brands and we don't know how to choose"

she looked at us sympathetically ," of course i'll help you guys. do your parents know your here?" we shook her heads and she sighed ," your going to have to tell them" we nodded and she picked up 3 of the same brand pregnancy test and handed to me.

we thanked her and said our goodbyes then we went to check out and then to my house since my dad wasn't home.

i paced back and forth my bedroom ," i don't want to do it" i was crying due to nerves.

"just go pee on the sticks" joey was beginning to get frustrated. i nod my head and make my way into the bathroom with the water and the three tests

"okay i peed on them now what does it say" i ask joey as he has the box. "in it just says to wait five minutes" he responded.

we waited the five minutes and indeed i am pregnant.

"right okay this is real now who do we tell first your mom or my dad?" now this was the scary part.

" i think we should tell my mom because i think she might take it a bit more smoothly than your dad" joey says and i nod in agreement because my dad would kill joey where as jen would be easier to talk to about everything.

this is going to be a long night.

drunken snapchats ; joeybirlemWhere stories live. Discover now