bonus chapter 2: boyfriend trouble

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i pulled up to cordelias school in my matte black range rover. we were going to go shopping because lately we haven't had much time together.

when ever she needs something she goes to callie because of girl problems or something like that. i'm not gonna lie it makes me a little bit jealous because when cordelia was growing up it was me she relied on, now callies her go to.

cordelia opened up the passenger side door and hopped in. she rolled down her window before greeting me ,"hi dad" she smiled at me.
i definitely got get looks from callie because she was stunning but she had my eyes.

"how was your day sweetheart?" i asked as i pulled out of my previous spot. an idiot drive pulled in beside me and i was forced to swurv out the way. i banged my horn and made over exaggerating hand movements at him.

"it was... okay i guess" she shrugged. i hate when she does this, she doesn't tell you what's wrong even though she wants to she just doesn't.

i sigh "i can't make it better if i don't know what's wrong ,so just tell me please." she looked up at me then sighed nodding her head.

"my boyfriend cheated on me with holly because i'm a virgin and she wasn't. how infair is that dad. just because i haven't slept with someone and she has he had to go sleep with her too"  just as we pulled up to our house she started crying whilst she explained what had happened to make her upset.

i didn't know she had a boyfriend but i'm happy that she is still a virgin. i would be lying if i said i wasn't relieved. then my blood started boiling some little prick cheated on my baby girl and i'm going to rip his throat out.

i hugged her over the centre console whilst rubbing her back and trying to stop her crying ," shhh baby shhh i'll make this all better i promise okay?" i asked as i loosened our embrace so we could look at one another she nodded and hugged me again ," how about we go to the mall like we were supposed to do. we can get your nails done ,your hair done , buy clothes , get those shoes we wanted and we can go for dinner since your moms working. it can be a daddy daughter day like we used to when you were little remember?" i smiled and she softly laughed.

"of course i remember those days were my favourite. so we're the ones when you would take me to the soccer games i loved that, but mom stopped us because the drunk men that were there all the time." she smiled and my heart warmed as she remembered all the stuff we would do when she was little.

"those were my favourite too." i smiled back at her.

"to the mall we go" she smiles and points out the window.


we got to the mall and i found myself a parking spot and got out the car cordelia mirroring my actions.

we walked into the mall which was filled with all high names brands and products such as gucci, versace and change ect.

"what store do you want to go into first?" i asked my daughter who was closely by my side. we walked into the gucci store and she chose the items she wanted to buy. plus i bought some for me to.

"that will be $9,670 please sir." the women at the desk told my and i got out my credit card ,having your own multi million dollar business really has its perks.

we extorted that store and walked into the next which was versace and as we did before we bought the things we wanted and then walked into the next and so on.

we were at the mall for like 1 hour maybe 2. then we went to the salon.

"oh my birlem ,miss cordelia i didn't know you were coming today i'm sorry." amanda the main worker said to me.

"it's fine can you squeeze cordelia in ,in the next thirty minutes we're having a pamper day ain't that right sweetie?" i smiled at cordelia but she was on her phone.

"of course for our number one client we can do just about anything" she flashed me a playful wink and grabbed cordelia by the hand and pulled her to a chair and began doing her magic.

amanda done callies hair for our wedding this was before my business was even a thing. it blew up so quick, within a year we had went from the bottom of the market to the top and here we are still on top.

after her hair appointment we went and got her nails done then we went to the store and bought snacks. lots of snacks.

then we come to this point chilling in mine and callies room watching movies and that's how we spent the remainder of our day.

callie joined us later on in the evening. just after callie joined cordelia fell asleep between us like she did when she was a baby and god did it hurt my heart that she was growing up.

drunken snapchats ; joeybirlemWhere stories live. Discover now