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joeybirlem; hey ella do you know if callie has plans tomorrow?

ayeeitsella; no she doesn't want to go anywhere because of you you prick

joeybirlem; i didn't mean it ella. i got nervous and chickened out

ayeeitsella; yeah and broke my best friends heart in the process you pussy

joeybirlem; fine whatever be a bitch about it when i'm trying to fix my mistake

ayeeitsella; don't go anywhere near her joey i swear to god

joeybirlem; you'll what leak my number?!1?1!1?1

ayeeitsella; that was one fucking time 1!13!2!

joeybirlem; suck my dick

ayeeitsella; why don't you ask loren

joeybirlem; shut your stupid head ass up

ayeeitsella; i'm serious don't go anywhere near her!1!1!1!

joeybirlem; as if i'm going to listen to you lmfao

ayeeitsella; remember who as your dick pics

joeybirlem; i've never sent nudes to you lol

ayeeitsella; you did to leah tho ;))

joeybirlem; leak them i don't care. my fans will believe me over you guys anyways

ayeeitsella; sure thing

drunken snapchats ; joeybirlemWhere stories live. Discover now