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jack j; callie come get jack he's drunk as fuck and keeps saying he wants cuddles

jack j; also that he's vv horny atm

callie; too my information jack!! i'm coming to get him

jack j; he asked if you were getting him to take him home or is he getting some tonight

callie; tell that dimwit that i'm taking him home and he's getting nothing but being yelled at!!!

jack j; he said don't yell and him because he's emotional rn

callie; tell him to shut up and stop being a baby

jack j; he said that you never called joey a baby or yelled at him when you picked him up from party's

callie; because joey was my friend and jack is my husband i have a right to yell at him!!

jack j; he's sad now

jack j; because you yelled at him

jack j; an accurate representation of him "  :(  "

callie; i'm outside

jack j; he said he isn't coming home now because your mad at him

callie; tell him to get out here before i come in there and yell at him

jack j; he's coming but you have to promise not to yell at him

callie; i will make no promises

drunken snapchats ; joeybirlemWhere stories live. Discover now