Connor Murphy x Reader: When He Sees Me

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Connor was pacing around Evan's room, his mind racing.  "Come on, just ask her out already. What's the w-worst that could h-happen?" He stopped pacing for a minute. "She could say no and make me look like an idiot?" Evan looked at his friend concerned, he knew his sister better than anyone, and he knew Connor was trying his best for you.

"Well, we have to be similar in some way! Think of something I like, and go with t-that." He laughed slightly. "Dude, it's not that easy." Evan was kind of confused. "Oh c-come on. There h-has to be s-something you could do!"  Connor rolled his eyes, but he knew Evan was trying to help.

He plopped down next to Evan on the bed. "Thank God you stopped pacing, I was getting dizzy." He looked at Connor, trying to give him ideas."Well, what else do you know about her? There's g-gotta be more than the f-fact that you claim she's the p-polar opposite of me." He immediately regretted his decision.

Connor went on for what seemed like two hours about Y/N. Anything from what her favorite color was, (which is *insert your favorite color here*) to what her favorite flowers are, to the one time in seventh grade she dyed the ends of her hair purple. "She looked so pretty, I mean er pretty cool," he had said.

"I mean, she told me once that she was a fan of Waitress and all that, which is pretty good as far as I know.  Maybe I could ask her out using something from that? What do you think?" Evan snapped out of his daze. "What?" He asked. "I said, do you think I should ask her out using something from Waitress or not?"

"I mean, I think she told me that she was a fan of the musical, but what song would you use?" He was rapidly loosing interest in whatever Connor was saying, but he knew that all this could help him ask Y/N out instead of rambling about her, so he decided it was worth the time and lost brain cells.

Many, many, many lost brain cells.

Connor considered his statement for a minute, thinking if there were any songs from the musical that he could use. I mean, he knew that you liked a song from the musical, but other than that, you didn't know many other songs. On an unrelated note, he may or may not have stalked your Spotify account.

Like I said, unrelated.

That's when it hit him like a brick to the forehead. "Oh my God!" Connor sprang up, scaring the shit out of poor Evan.  "I've got it!" Evan shook out his head, not knowing what Connor's idea was, but before he could ask, Connor asked him, "Your sister is upstairs, right?" Evan nodded, and he practically sprinted out of the door, nearly hitting his head on the door frame.

He struggled to keep up with the taller boy, but soon enough, he stopped dead. "What the-" He shushed him, pressing his ear to the door. Evan heard Alana and your sister talking through the door, which was probably why Connor stopped dead. "What if he doesn't like me back?" "I'm sure he feels the same way. Have you seen the way he looks at you?"

Connor wasn't sure if you were talking about him or not, but he needed more information before he barged in. That's when he heard music start to play, and he peeked in through the crack in the door.

"I stick with real things, usually facts and figures. When information's in its place, I minimize the guessing game." You looked at Alana. "Guess what?," "What?" "I don't like guessing games, or when I feel things, before I know the feelings." You sat down in one of those office chairs, and put your head in your hands.

 "How am I supposed to operate, if I'm just tossed around by fate? Like on an unexpected date?" You grabbed a pen from your desk. "That's where my pen went." Evan whispered, causing Connor to shush him. "The stranger who might talk too fast, or ask me questions about myself before I've decided that." You sat down next to Alana on your bed.

"He can ask me questions about myself, he might sit too close. Or call the waiter by his first name, or eat Oreos." You grabbed an Oreo out of the package, and split it in half. "But eat the cookie before the cream?" You shook your head as the other girl took the cookie out of your hand, and popped it in her mouth.

"But what scares me the most, what scares me the most..." Your voice trailed off slightly.

"Is what if when he sees me, what if he doesn't like it? What if he runs the other way and I can't hide from it? What happens then?" You stood up. "If when he knows me, he's only disappointed?" You threw your hand out in a big gesture. "What if I give myself away, to only get it given back?" You recoiled your hand, holding it to your chest.

"I couldn't live with that." You looked down, but then looked back up again, a sad smile on your face.  "So, I'm just fine, inside my shell-shaped mind, this way I get the best view. So, when he sees me, I want him to." Alana stood next to you, and put a hand on your shoulder. "Dawn, don't you think you're being, I mean, just a tad-"

"I'm not defensive!" You snapped, taking a deep breath. "I'm simply being cautious, I can't risk reckless dating due to my miscalculating while a certain suitor stands in line." You gestured your hand behind you.  "I've seen in movies, most made for television. You cannot be too careful when it comes to sharing your life." A look of horror appeared on your face.

"I could end up a miserable wife!" You turned to your friend, an apologetic look replacing your previous one. "Sorry girls, but he could be criminal! Some sort of psychopath who escaped from an institution, somewhere where they don't have girls!" You gestured up and down towards yourself.

"He could have masterminded some way to find me," you gestured to your purposefully mix matched socks. "He could be colorblind! How untrustworthy is that? He could be less than kind, or even worse he could be very nice, have lovely eyes," a dreamy smile came to your face, and you put both hands over your heart.

"And make me laugh, come out of hiding." You looked at Alana, looking more confused than anything. "What do I do with that? Oh, God. What if when he sees me, I like him and he knows it?" A smile came back to your face. "What if he opens up a door, and I can't close it?" You threw open the door, and Connor ducked back, nearly knocking Evan over.

You turned back to the other girl, the concerned expression returning.  "What happens then? If when he holds me," you wrapped your arms around yourself. "My heart is set in motion," you took your hands away. "I'm not prepared for that, I'm scared of breaking open." You put your hands on either side of your head, like you were fighting your feelings.

Which wasn't exactly wrong.

"But still I can't help from hoping, to find someone to talk to." Your voice trailed off again. "Who likes the way I am, someone who when he sees me," you stopped for a second.

"Wants to again!"

Connor was going to stand up, when he took a wrong step.

And fell down the stairs.

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