Chapter 1

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We have been here too long. We need to keep moving or they will find us. I can't let them. I won't let them. Never again.

I close my eyes to allow my other senses to take over. The forest is quite. Too quite. We need to leave now.

"Rick get up we need to go now"

"I can't Astra please just one more day"

"No we've been here for too long already. Move, now"

He lifts his small head up to face me. I know he's exhausted. It hues so much to see my brother in this state. No 9 year old should have to run like this. He should be able to play and relax. Instead we have rested for the longest time in a year, which was two days and even that was tense.

I hear the growl of a stomach and look to see rick holding his belly.

"When was the last time little one?"

"Two days ago when we stopped" he looks guilty while at he says it. Like this is all his fault.

Shit. One job. Well two jobs. Keep Rick safe and make sure he gets food. That's all I have to do and I forgot to do the second one. I means it's not like I have eaten and I haven't given him any food. To be honest I can't remember the last time I ate myself. I hunt and then I give it to Rick. Cooked of course. He hasn't transitioned yet so can't deal with raw meet like I can.

"I'm going to get some food little one, then we will leave" I soften my face when I look at him.

Walking over to him I make sure to rub him thoroughly with the wild flowers I found to mask his scent.

"Stay hidden and no matter what happens do not try and help me. You stay hidden, then when the coast is clear run"

"I know Astra"

"I know you do" I sigh

Clasping our hands together I bring his head to mine so that our foreheads and noses touch. We place our hands on the back of each other's heads.

"Always and forever" I whisper

"Always and forever" Rick chants.


Once I'm a safe distance from where I left Rick I take my clothes off and shift into my wolf. I know I'm not as strong as I should be but I'm much stronger than many other wolves.

I take a small moment to enjoy the feeling of wind in my fur and the dirt under my paws. It's not often that I do.

The moment ends quickly though as I get to the task in hand. Rabbits. I need rabbits. A deer is too big and draws too much attention.

Sniffing the air I catch the scent of some rabbits not far from here. Leaping to a run I follow the scent to a small clearing in the woods.

It really it beautiful here. Too bad Peter cotton tail won't be enjoying it for much longer.

I make sure to crouch low so that the rabbits don't see me and freak out before I get my chance.

Slowly I edge forwards until.... BAM!

I pounce out catching one of the rabbits in the process. It's quite a big one from the looks of things and will definitely be enough to keep Rick full.

I smile to myself knowing that he will get what he needs, but the bliss is cut of rather quickly.

I notice that I'm surrounded by a group of four wolves. All of them growling at me. They aren't rogues by the smell of things. Shit. That's worse this is a pack.

Shit. Shit. Shit. SHIT!

We stayed too long. I knew we had to leave sooner.

From the corner of my eye I see one of them leap at me. Turning quickly I avoid the blow and manage to connect my own to the wolves rear leg.

The growling increases in volume from the wolves. Suddenly they all descend on me at once. I don't know if I can take them all at once... NO SNAP OUT OF IT ASTRA. I have to for Rick.

I manage to fight them all off drawing blood from them all but they have got their fair share of bites on me. I don't think I can keep going. Please goddess may Rick be safe.

"Shift rogue" the leader shouts.

No way in hell is that happening.

"Shift or we will kill you"

Ha. I'd like to see them try. I may be weak but if I'm going to hell they are coming with me.

"No! Astra!" Rick screams while at running out of the bush.

I'm going to kill him when this is over. We have one rule for fucks sake!

I try to reach him before it's too late but the leader of the group beats me too it.

He holds Rick against his chest so that he is unable to move. My anger has just gone from zero to one hundred real quick.

I feel my fur rise and ears sink. Im going to kill each of them for touching him.

"Shift mutt, or we kill your pup" the leader smirks.

I'm not strong enough to shift back. If I shift I can't do anything. I can already tell shifting back means lights out for me.

"Tick tock mutt you have three seconds"

For fuck sake!


Moon Goddess protect him.


I look at Rick and give him a wolf smile before starting to shift.


The world goes black.

Hi peoples,

Well this is the first chapter. Hope you all like it. Please don't forget to like and comment!!

Nightowl xx

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