Chapter 24

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Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

The echo of the machines in the room is all that I care hear.

The only reason I'm alive is laying in front of me covered with tubes fighting for his life and it's all my fault...

If only I had stayed. Maybe then Mo wouldn't be in this condition. The nurses managed to clean him up a bit. Once again revealing his brilliant white hair that I used to love. Kissed by Jack Frost he used to say. That's why it is so white.

"Astra can I have a word"

Lucians voice breaks me out of the spell I was in as I solemnly nod before slowly getting up and exciting the room but not before taking one last look at the unconscious form on the bed behind me.

"I understand that he was a member of your old pack, that was kind to you but why is he here?"

Straight to business as always then Lucian.

"After we left they in prisoned him, Mortem must have found out he helped us to escape. They sent him as a warning. They are coming Lucian. They know I'm mated and now they are coming. From the sounds of things they are nearly here"

"I know Astra. My scouts found traces of them along the border"

The comment perks my interest. That's not like them. Usually they are untraceable.

"Be careful Lucian. Thats not like them, I think it might be part of a trap"

"You may be right about that. We will need to figure something out later but for now I will let you get back to him"

"Thank you Alpha"

I close the hospital room door behind me with a soft click before making my way back to my post at the head of the bed.

I move a few strands of stray hair from his wrinkled face before settling back in my seat.


I don't  know how long has passed when I'm woken up by the sound of the door being clicked closed again.

A familiar scent fills the air just before I'm lifted from the seat and settled down on a familiar lap.

I cuddle my face into his chest and breathe in the scent that provides me so much comfort. Slowly I lift my head and look into soft concerned eyes.

"Hey" he whispers


Before I can say any other words I'm cut off by soft lips placed gently against my own. All of the rings we needed to say expressed in such a simple gesture.

My heart squeezes as his large protective arms pull me closer to his chest.

After an eternity of silence Blaze decides to speak up.

"Ash, who is he?"

"This is Morris or Mo as he likes to be called. I guess you could say he is like my grandfather father combo to some extent. He is the reason I lived so long. In my old pack he is an omega but the kindest person I know. He used to sneak me food, clean up my wounds, tell me stories and he would even watch over me whilst I slept. In the end he was the reason I managed to get rick out of that place when I escaped. I guess I owe him my life"

I feel the tears prickle at the back of my eyes but squeeze them back not wanting them to spill.

"If you owe him your life then I owe him my life. You are the reason my heart beats and I'm so lucky to have you" Blaze whispers sweetly before placing a chaste kiss on the mark on my neck.

"I'm sorry for everything earlier Blaze. I should never have snapped at you"

"No Ash I should be sorry. You are scared and I shouldn't have belittled your worries. I mean at the end of the day they were right"

We both sit there for a bit longer, comfortable in the silence. More than content with just holding one another.

A small twitch from the corner of my eye catches my attention. Both Blaze and I turn at the same time to watch in amazement as Mos hand slowly starts to move. 

"Mo?" I can't keep the hope from my voice.

"Chicken?" His voice is a little croaky after being gone for so long.

I move into his line of sight causing a small smile to appear on his lips.

All to quickly it is replaced by a small growl as Mo reaches for me. Looking behind me I see that Blaze is also in his line of sight towering behind me.

"Easy there Mo. This is Blaze. My mate" I smile as I take hold of both Mos hand and Blazes much larger one that is now resting on my shoulder.

"Good luck to them then" Mo smirks.

"What do you mean?" My eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"His plan is to kill your mate in front of you before taking you back" Mo mumbles with a sad rage.

I can't help the monstrous roar that escapes my mouth.

"Over my dead body"

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