Chapter 17

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It's been about a week now since Blaze and I marked each other and It has been amazing. The bond before marking seems like nothing now.

It's like Blaze has truly become part of me now. His feelings are my own, his thoughts are mine all because now half his soul is mixed with mine.

Rick found my newly marked status incredibly amusing and hasn't stopped talking about it since it happened. I'm going to enjoy my revenge when he finds his mates. At the end of the day that's what siblings are for right?

I'm snapped back to reality once I witness what can only be described as the shitest sparring match I have ever seen.

"Joseph stop pulling your punches and Sasha I know you can hand him his arse so start acting like it"

Shaking my head I walk away as they both finally start working properly. My trial squad of male and female warriors has worked surprisingly well.

I've been doing as Lucian said making sure I train all of the warriors up to my standard with the help of Peter but I have dedicated a bit of extra time to my personal project.

"Still being a hard arse then ash, and to my sister of all people!" Aaron walks over feigning shock.

I found out a week after I created this unit that Sasha the fiery red head also happened to be Aaron's little sister.

"Yeah and look at her now, even she can beat your arse" as if on que Sasha throws Joseph through the air causing him to collide with a near by tree.

"Yeah thanks for that" Aaron winces

"What do you want anyway?"

"Well tonight is the blood moon"

"Your point being...." seriously asking for information around here is like getting blood out of a fucking stone.

"Well as we are the crimson moon pack we have a tradition that when high ranks in the pack mark there mate the next blood moon there is a celebration"

"Don't you think the morning of the blood moon is a bit late notice for party planning" I love Aaron but I'm going to kill him if he keeps on with this half information thing.

"Well tradition states that the females familiars arrange the ball which is usually other high ranking females, but because you're a hard arse bitch" Aaron smirks at my growl "us warriors have arrange the ball for you"

"Aaron get to the point before I rip your balls off"

"Christ ash, pretty much the balls tonight, you need a ball gown, from this moment in you have six hours"

Aaron gives me a final smirk before running away like a scolded pup as i shoot daggers into his back.

How the hell am I supposed to be ready for this and where the fuck do I get a ball gown from at such short notice.

"Right everyone take the rest of the day off I have some shit I need to sort out"

The males of my squad do as they are told and walk off towards the pack house in order to have a much needed shower most likely but the females are a different story.

"He finally tell you about the ball then" Sasha smirks.

"Yep, your prick of a brother forgot to mention it"

"What are you going to wear, beta?" Olive one of the twins asks.

"Yes beta what have you chosen" ester her sister comments

"I don't have anything" I growl slightly frustrated at this whole situation.

"Turn up in your training clothes and see how the pack reacts"

"Zoe don't be ridiculous" Holly attempts to chastise the smirking blonde in the corner.

"THIS MEANS WE CAN GO SHOPPING" Holly practically squeals.

Fucking brilliant.


"Holly I swear to god if you suggest another pink thing I'm going to ram it up your arse"

Zoe is once again growling as Holly tries to get her to wear a bright pink sparkly prom dress.

I found out the girls could only come if they were specifically invited to because they are only 17 and not considered an adult in the pack. At only 19 myself they are the closest thing I have to proper friends so naturally I invited them.

Browsing through the shelves I have no idea what I am going to wear. They are all so overtly feminine. Definitely not me.

"What do you think of these, beta?" Ester and Olive both ask at the same time.

I turn around and see that all of the girls have finally found dresses for themselves.

Holly is wearing a floor length lavender Grecian style dress, ester and olive are wearing similar floor length dresses with sweet heart necklines in red and blue, Sasha is wearing and olive coloured silk ball gown and Zoe has managed to find a cocktail length black dress with a flared skirt which true to style she has paired with combat boots.

"Very nice everyone, nobody would guess how deadly you are" I smirk

They all start to laugh as I turn around to resume my search. I turn the corner and stop dead. That's the one.


Once we had all purchased our dresses we decide to stop at the food court in order to get some much needed food before we head back to the pack and start to get ready.

We are all laughing and making jokes about the whole situation and I can honestly say that I am having an amazing time.

"So have you done the dirty with big bets Blaze?" Zoe smirks raising her eyebrows

"ZOE!" Holly screeches

"We are all thinking it" Sasha adds raising her eyebrows to copy Zoe.

"No I haven't" I try and state confidently hoping not to blush.

"What? But you will go into heat if you don't do it soon!" Now Holly gets involved.

"What's heat?" I ask now truest embarrassed that I don't know the female werewolf basics.

"Well... err..."

"You will get hot and sweaty and gross, with an intense fire like pain all over your body especially in between your legs..." Sasha starts

"Yep and it won't go away until you fuck liver boys brains out" Zoe finishes with a smile.

My food goes flying across the table as I attempt not to choke on what I was just eating.

"And on that note lets be heading back" Holly adds quickly, getting up and practically running from the table so we have to follow her.

I was not expecting that to be their answer. I definitely won't let myself go into heat.

Hi peoples,

Sorry it took me so long to update I have had a hectic last week. I will try and post another chapter tomorrow to make up for it. I hope you like this one!

Nightowl x

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