Chapter 2

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Ugh my head! What the hell happened?

As I force my eyes open everything comes flooding back to me. Oh SHITBALLS!

My eyes fly open and I take my surroundings in as quickly as possible. I'm now wearing a males shirt and I'm locked in a cell of some kind with no windows.

I reach out and touch the door keeping me locked in this room only to flinch at the contact. Of course it's silver.

I pace around the room frantically. I need to get out. I need to find Rick and then we need to run.

Just then the door flies open and I'm confronted with a huge brute of a man. He smells heavily of sweat and has an evil glint in his eye.

"So you awake then sleeping beauty?" He sneers.

"Where is he?" I growl

"Watch your tone mutt"

"Show me where the fuck he is!" I can feel the grip on my anger slipping.

"Your not in a place to demand anything. You get to deal with the alpha. After maybe we'll use the pup for training"

And snap.

I let out an animalistic snarl type growl. One I have never heard myself.

At the noise the mans face pales and the door opens as other guards come to see the source of the sound.

I take the opportunity to make my escape. As soon as the door opens I punch the smelly brute into the guards entering the room leaving the door open for my escape.

Once I'm out in the corridor I take note of all of the scents down here. No rick and no wild flowers. He's definitely not down here. Shit. When I found him so help me goddess he better be uninjured or someone's going to die.

I follow the smell of fresh air to the door. I must be the only prisoner considering there were only four guards that I took out earlier.

Once I get outside I catch the faintest smell of rick. It's starting to get dark outside now. I must have been out the whole day. Goddess knows how old this scent is.

It's all I've got so I start to follow. My wolf would be quicker but I need to keep my senses and I can't afford another black out moment again.

After 10 minutes of running I come to a more populated area. As soon as people see me females grab their pups and run indoors screaming whilst males starts to growl.

Well so much for subtlety. This has just got a whole lot harder.

I ignore it and continue following the scent which is getting a whole lot stronger. I know he must be close.

The scent seriously picks up as I near the house at the end of the populated strip. Rick.

I pick up the pace as much as possible but just as I near a group of warrior wolves block my path.


"MOVE!" I growl.

"BACK DOWN" the source of the voice comes from behind the warriors.

Stepping through the crowd walks a tall man, about 6ft 6 I would say with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. He radiates power. Great. Just great. Hello Alpha join the party. Make my life easier.

"Give him to me and we will leave" I growl

"I can't do that. You see you trespassed and must be punished" his voice is monotone

"I didn't know this was pack land otherwise I would be here"

Just as I finish speaking I see rick run out of the house towards me. Suddenly he is grabbed my a man. I don't care that he is about 70 I want to rip his throat out.

"Rick!" I scream.

Now I'm pissed.

I move to my left as if I plan to run there. Just as the Alpha moves to stop me a switch direction avoiding him completely.

With this much anger the warriors are easy to get rid off.

Ricks scent is so strong now I can almost touch him. I can see him fighting the mans grip and from the looks of things he is winning.

That's my boy.

Just as I'm about to reach him I'm forced to the floor. The wind knocked straight out of my lungs.

I've been knocked down by a pup of a warrior for fuck sake. I fight him off easily enjoying the way the blood sprays from his now broken nose.

A furious alpha is now running full speed for me. Our chances of getting away from this place are getting smaller by the second.

One break for goddess sake that all I ask. Just one fucking break.

Rick is lowly being dragged back into the building he came from. I break into a run once again my muscles screaming. I need to get to him.

I reach the porch of the house just as the door is firmly closed.

The growl that escapes my lips is murderous.

"You have some nerves mutt" I turn to face a seething alpha.

"I was going to be merciful but you don't deserve that" he spits out.

I look around to see that I'm now essentially surrounded by warriors. By body no longer numb is feeling everything that I've been through, and trust me it feels like shit.

I seriously have nothing left in me to fight this off anymore.

The alpha come closer raising his hand, his claws extended. I close by eyes and brace myself for the blow but it never comes.

Opening my eyes I seen a huge man blocking me from view. He must be the same size as the alpha maybe even a bit taller. He has tattoos all up his arms and a piercing or two from what I can see. He has messy charcoal hair and he smells amazing, like a forest breeze.

"This better not be your idea of a joke Blaze" the alpha growls

"MINE!" The new wolf shouts before pushing me behind him more.

Well shit.

Hi peoples,

Two chapters in one day! I'm holding to post every 4 days at the most just so you know.

Don't forget to vote and comment!

Nightowl xx

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