Chapter 3

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"What?" The alpha looks shocked.

"Mate" the wolf, Blaze, turns to look at me.

Now most she wolves look forwards to the day that they find their mate, the run to them and fall into their arms and allow the beauty of the bond to consume them or some shit along those lines.

No me though.

That one word has just taken this situation to mission critical.

In a flash I have turned around and broken the door down with one swift kick. Thankfully the house is open planned. I run through the front door for Rick to practically jump at me. Without even looking at him I throw him on my back and make a break for the rear door of the house.

I ignore the shouts from my new found mate coming from behind.

Breaking through the back foot as easily as I did the front. I make a break for the tree line. Hopefully the added obstacles will help me out run them.

"Ash your bleeding!" Ricks panicked voice pierces my ears.

"I'm fine Rich we need to go!"

"No! There's too much! You'll die if we leave!"

"We might die if we stay"

Just make to the forest.

"Well I'll take those chances!"

Rick pushes himself off my back landing in the floor behind me forcing the escape plans to stop as I turn to reach him.

The sudden stop and change of direction is too much for my body. I collapse in a heap on the floor. My legs no longer support my weight.


Rick runs over to where I am in the floor. He presses his small hands against my sides to stop the steady stream of crimson.

Within minutes we are approached by the warriors, my mate at the front of them.

Rick may be little, but, as they approach us his growls join my own.

The warriors stop a few metres away from where I'm laying but Blaze walks forwards towards me. A strange look in his eyes. I can't identify it.

Immediately I try and push myself back bringing rick with me. The only trouble I'm too weak and my mate is too fast.

Just before he reaches me rick surprises everyone by punching him, right in the nose.

I don't know if it's the startled look on his face or the hopelessness of this situation but I can't help my laughter. I start giggling like a school girl and I can't stop; that is until the pain in my side makes it impossible to laugh.

I try and choke it back but the small whimper of pain leaves my lips. The second it does Blaze is snapped out of whatever trance he was in and once agin moves to pick me up.

I don't know what has come over Rick but once again he moves to block his path to me.

"Easy there little man, I'm her mate. I won't hurt her not ever"

Rick looks between me and Blaze with panic in his eyes. The word mate means nothing to us but from the look in his eyes he knows if he doesn't let him near me I will die.

With a few tears escaping his eyes Rick steps aside and allows Blaze to approach me.

"Why did you run?" He looks almost hurt.

I make a move to sit up as I growl by its cut short by the whimper I can't hold back.

"Tell the pack doctor to be ready!" My mate shout. The power evident in his voice.

He reaches down and picks me up in his arms. The second our skin makes contact I can feel the sparks shoot through my body. I don't want to like them, but unfortunately, I do. 

I'm swiftly carried through the pack lands to a plain white building. Once inside the smell of surgical spirt hits my nose. I hate these places. The panic starts to claw at my insides trying to escape. 

I can feel the tears starts to build in my eyes. For fuck sake! I haven't cried in over 15 years I'm not going to start now.

As we walk into a bedroom type room I'm placed on a bed as an elderly woman walks into the room.

"Hello dear, I'm doctor Monroe. What seems to be the problem"

"She's bleeding" Blaze adds before I can speak. His voice is amazing. Like velvet on the ears. Eww. No. what the fuck am I saying.

"Right dear. I need you to lift your top up so I can have a look"

I look at all the people in the room. Rick turns around to face away from me, knowing what I was going to say before I say it.

That just left, the mate. I stare at him expectantly but he still does nothing. Great. Not only do I have a mate but he is undoubtably an idiot.

"Well.." I growl at him.

"What?" He stares at me.

"Fuck off!" I snap.

"I'm not leaving you" he sounds surprised by my request.

"Umm beta, I think t would be best if you waited outside" doctor Monroe pipes up.

With a frustrated look Blaze finally leaves the room.

The moon goddess must think she is hilarious. Not only do I now have a mate but he is a beta. Betas being only a small bit less possessive than an Alpha which is not good news for me.

I lift my shirt up allowing the doctor to do the examination. I have to bite my cheeks as she presses around my stomach.

"Well my dear you are going to need stitches. That cut of yours is pretty deep"

She moves to the side and starts to fiddle around with a syringe.

"No drugs!" I blurt.

"Dear it will hurt" her eyes contain a steely sympathy.

"I will have the stitches by no drugs" I bite out.

"Okay but your pup will need to wait outside if you won't allow me to give you morphine"

Rick slowly gets up and makes his way out of the door to the room. I don't want him to go but at the moment I don't have much room to argue.

"Forgive me for saying this but your a bit young to have a pup aren't you?"

"He's not my pup he's my brother" I snarl.

"Makes sense" doctor Monroe shrugs.

She cleans my wound with something that burns like fire before she starts the stitches.

I can feel how deep they are as they pull at my skin. Fuck this hurts!

I bite back my screams but there seems to be a never ending number of stitches. It's getting impossible to deal with.

After thirty stitches and more to come I can't help it.

I scream.

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