Chapter 31

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I help Holly up as she hobbles towards Sasha and Zoe now standing at the other side of the tent. I pas her over to the girls quickly so they can get her back to the pack and into the infirmary as quickly as possible.

Just as I'm about to follow a disgusting smell hits me, one I never wanted to smell again, followed by a deep evil voice.

"Leaving so quickly Princess, wouldn't you like to say hello to daddy"

I turn to face the source of the disgusting voice.



"Now that's no way to address your father is it princess?"

I try my best to swallow the bile now in my mouth at a mixture of his evil smirk and the pet name I so despise.

"Ha. You are no father to me. You are an evil cu..."

"ENOUGH" he roars cutting me off mid sentence.

I feel the hatred coursing through my blood as I stare at the man that has caused me so much pain and suffering over the entirety of my life. I let him control me then. I let him tell me what to do without ever standing up for myself. Not anymore. Now I want my revenge.

"NEVER! You do not control me! I will do whatever the fuck I like!" I snarl.

"Now that is where you are wrong princess" he chuckles menacingly "I have and always will own you. You are worth nothing. No one will ever care about you. If it wasn't for me you would have nothing, which is why you will stop acting so tough and you will come back with me and mate the wolf I have chosen for you like a good little bitch"

I notice that we have began to circle each other as we speak. The tension building in the air as neither one of us are willing to back down. Mix that with our Alpha blood and shit is about to get serious.

"A bit late for that. I already have a mate" I growl out in response.

I only just move out of the way in time as he launches himself at me his claws catching my arm slightly leaving slash marks.

"You ungrateful bitch!" He growls. "But don't worry. I'll kill you mate and then you will be free to do as I have planned"

"Over my dead body"

"Fine have it your way" he shrugs.

In the next instant he has launched himself at me but not before giving me fair warning of what he intended to do.

As he leaps aiming for my throats I drop to my knees extending my claws and shredding the major muscles at the top of his thighs meaning hi legs are now useless in the event of an attack.

Blood trickles down his legs as he falls to the ground from my attack. His blood in my hands nearly mixing with the blood of those I killed earlier.

Once again we turn to face each other. Duelling in an attempt to win the upper hand and end our opponent. Both of us are well matched fighters each giving and receiving our fair share of blows, but I spot my chance.

I tackle him to the floor gaining the upper hand in the battle. Just before my claws reach his throat there is a sharp burning sensation in my leg. What the fuck was that!?

My eyes tear up as I see the distinctive signs of a silver knife protruding from my thigh. Mortem uses my switch in concentration to his advantage reversing our positions so that I am now under him.

A swift slap crosses my face forcing my head to one side making me taste blood.

"You know your mate should thank me for killing you. Who would want such a dominant scared she wolf like you as their mate" he smirks down at me as he raises his clawed hand.

Just before his hand comes down ending me for good a terrifying roar catches our attention. Instantly our heads snap to the direction the noise came from and I can tell you what I see is a sight for saw eyes.

A furious looking Blaze is charging straight for us. An unrecognisable look plastered on his face. He is out for blood and let me tell you he looks fit as fuck whilst doing it.

Before he has time to react Mortem is ripped from off the top of me and thrown into the pole in the centre of the room.

Blaze replaces him in my line of vision as he pulls me close into his chest. I wince slightly at the pressure it cause on the knife still wedged in to top of my leg. Hearing my pain Blaze glances down and begins growling at the foreign object.

I wince slightly as I pull it out of my leg before turning my attention back to Blaze.

"Fucking hell Ash. You are fucking insane. I could have fucking lost you and everything I care about. Don't ever do this to me again"

Once again I am pulled into Blazes large chest as he nuzzles his face into my neck breathing in my scent deeply, his hand coming to rest over my stomach where our precious little dot now sits.

Just before I find myself equally lost in my mate I catch movement in the corner of my eye. Throwing Blaze to my side quickly I lurch forward wrapping my fingers round Mortems throats and digging my nails in. I now have him pinned once more to the pole in the centre of the room.

"You've lost. You have nothing left to fight for" I snarl.

"As for your plan, I have a mate and I'm also pregnant. You can't do anything about that, but one thing you are going to do is you are going to rot in hell for the rest of eternity with nobody remembering your name as anything other than the pathetic fool that you are"

I watch his eyes widen in realisation just before I rip his throat out, showering myself in his blood but at the same time cleansing myself of the horrors of my past.

I feel sparks ripple through my body as a pair of large hands settle themselves in my shoulders.

"Come on ash, I think it's time we went home"

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