Chapter 11

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Stupid fucking bet.

I mean who doesn't like winning but now I have to go on a date. I've never been on a date before. How do you even go on a date!

I've cleaned up the syrup that I was previously wearing and changed into a new set of exercise clothes courtesy of Holly. They are all black and thankfully give me a more powerful edge.

By the looks of things I'm going to need it.

The so called best group are the 16-17 year old males. For some reason the females are considered one of the worst groups with them only being taught basic self defence. Something I want to change. Females are just as good as males!

As I walk towards the group I see that they are circling a fight amongst some of the more cocky boys.

If I thought the testosterone levels amongst the head warriors was bad they have nothing on these boys.

"Right break it up and form your lines, NOW" I shout.

Instantly most of the males do as they are told and line up in order, but of course, there is always the one prick with his head planted firmly up his arse.

One of the boys who was fighting and a few of his friends just stand there watching me with a sly smirk on there faces.

"You deaf, line, NOW" I growl.

The boys slowly make there way to the line.

Breathe Astra, just breathe. You can't kill them, even though they are only two years younger. NO, BAD THOUGHTS! Keep your cool.

"Right I'm going to pair you off and watch you all fight so I can see what I'm working with. As there are only twenty of you the others can watch the fights and see if they can pick out where each of you go wrong. Am I clear!"

"Yes Beta!" They chorus, well except for one.

"Ha, like you would know what you are talking about" the fighter from early speaks.

"And you would be" I growl. I can't help that I feel challenged.

"Bane. My brothers the head warrior"

I raise my eyebrow.

"Your peters brother?"

"Yes, and you are just here because you are fucking the Beta. Everyone knows girls can't fight for shit" he sneers.

Somebody better get over here before we have a dead body in our hands.

I mind link the elites. Someone needs to get over here quickly if this boy wants to live. 

"I don't give a fuck who you are. You speak to me with respect" I'm snarling now.

"As for the rest of you, no more of this beta crap, you are to call me Astra"

"So who here is considered head of the class?"

Everyone steps back leaving Bane standing in front of me. The cocky grin plastered on his face.

"Fine, pick your opponent"


"I'm not an option"

"But you said to pick an opponent, sweet cheeks" he smirks.

Deep breathes Astra.

"Fine" I spit out.

"Everyone gather round and watch closely!"

The group of boys gather around Bane and I forming a semi circle so that they can observe the fight.

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