Chapter 14

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"Shitballs! I'm so sorry Ash I wouldn't have done it if I'd known. Please forgive me I didn't mean to"

"Blaze calm down you did nothing wrong"

"Your just saying that because you thi.."

Grabbing the back of his head I pull him back down into another kiss just like our first one. He stiffens momentarily before happily kissing me back.

Once we finally pull away for air once again I can feel that I have the most stupid smile in my face. It is so big it actually hurts.

"Blaze you are my mate. You didn't force yourself in me we kissed because we both wanted to"

He pulls me into his lap before placing his forehead against mine. The way his breath fans across my face sends shivers all over my skin. The emotions that swirl in his eyes is captivating. Oh my God I've turned into one of those girls! I'm all gooey and romantic and shit! Maybe he's worth it.

"I didn't know you had a soft side Ash"

"Yeah, if I hadn't wanted the kiss I would have ripped your dick off so" I say shrugging my shoulders.

"Now there is my Ash"

His Ash.


We spend the next few hours running around as we are both clearly mature and sensible adults, talking and just getting to know one another properly.

It feels nice just to have a free day. Not having and responsibilities or worries but just being able to spend the time with someone who crames so much for you.

The car journey seems to go quicker this time around probably because I'm tired and I actually know where we are going now.

It's Saturday night and Saturday night means movie night.

As we pull up to the pack house I instantly make out the figure of Holly and Rick playing over by the forest.

I'm the rest to jump out of the car as they both see me and make there way over. I know it sounds weird but I still have some small issues with letting Rick out of my sight. I'm blaming everything we went through but it still doesn't feel right to me.

As I get closer to them an uneasy tension fills the air. Someone is here. I can feel it.

Holly you need to run to me now

I mind link barring in mind rick is already running towards.

As soon as Holly starts to run I catch a glimpse of the pitch black eyes starring from in the woods.

The sudden movement causes the scabby grey wolf to leap from the bushes and go straight for Holly.

Before you can even say shit I have shifted into my own red wolf. Flying past Rick and Holly I take the other wolf by the neck just as his jaws are about to wrap around Holly's leg. One thing I learnt as a rogue was don't fuck about. With that thought in mind I clamp down on the wolves neck until I hear it snap and he stops struggling.

This is a bad sign. I recognise that smell. It's Nigrum Mortem pack. My old pack. They've found us.

Before I can get further lost in thought I'm pulled back my the feeling of hands running through my fur. I can tell from the sparks that it is Blaze. The thought instantly calms me.

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