Chapter 7

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"Now that's a she wolf!"

"Where can I find a woman like that"

"Blaze better keep her close, there's gonna be competition over that one"

I cough and grab everyone's attention.

"Pack. Link" I raise my eyebrows.

Instantly the wolves still surrounding me then pale. Idiots. How could they forget I was part of the pack already. I joined literally two minutes ago.

"Beta Astra, a word please" Alpha Lucien calls me over to him.

"Walk with me" he motions to the trail towards the pack house.

"I have to say your skills impress me. I don't expect you to win any of those matches"

"That's why you chose those warriors though, because you didn't want me in the pack and I don't blame you. I'm wild, unknown and slightly insane; but this pack is the best thing for my brother. I would do anything to protect him even if I hate it" I'm now staring the Alpha directly in the eye. A sign many would see as a challenge. 

"Alpha" I add to the end of my speech quickly in the hopes of repairing any damage.

"Lucian. You man call me Lucian. I admire you. You have balls. You can fight. You'll be a good beta. It's not often I'm impressed but you have impressed me" he stated before walking away.

Maybe the Alpha isn't such a hard arse.

I find that I have been left alone on a secluded area of the path. Checking I am alone I venture towards the grass. It has been so long since I could enjoy the outdoors. Cautiously I take my shoes of and enjoy the feel of the warm grass against my feet.

It's like something inside me snaps at that moment. I collapse onto the ground and let myself me surrounded by nature the sound of the wind, the feel of the earth, the COOKIES!

My stomach starts to growl. Sitting up quickly I come face to face with a small older woman. I would say she was in her 60's. Her salt and pepper hair highlighting this as well as the few wrinkles on her face.

"Are you hungry dear?" She smiles a genuine smile.

A shuffle back, instantly defensive.

"No need to worry dear. I'm Martha" she smiles "may I join you?"

I nod hesitantly before she sits down next to me in the grass. The smell of the cookies hits me wants again making my stomach demonstrate a whale call. Martha chuckles.

"Here have them. I was just on my way to see my son but I'm sure he wouldn't mind you having them instead. They are red velvet cheesecake cookies"

All it takes is one bite before I am addicted to them. The shovel the entire plate of cookies down my throat before looking at Martha guiltily.

"Don't worry my dear. You definitely eat like my son!"

"Thank you Martha. I'm Astra"

"That's a beautiful name dear. It suits you. May I ask, what are you doing out here in your own?"

"I... er... I was just thinking. Lots has changed and I'm a bit overwhelmed"

"Well dear I know we have just met but if you need someone to talk to you can always come and find me. This daft old lady might be able to help"

"Thank you" I smile slightly at her show of kindness.

"No off you go and get some lunch. You need it"


As I get closer to Blazes house I hear laughter carried on the wind.

Cautiously I travel further making sure I stick to the tree line so that I can't be seen.

The clearing outside of blazes house is full of small children playing whilst their mothers watch them. What was most eye catching however was the hulk of a man playing some sort of chase game with the children. It's not difficult to miss Blaze. He doesn't exactly blend in but I never expected him to act like this.

I search the children to try and find rick only to see him hiding off in the corner with a group of boys in front of him.

"I heard he's got no parents which means no one loves him"

"Yeah, my mum said he's just a rogue mutt"

"Your not part of the pack, you need a claimant!"

I pick up on what the boys are saying to Rick. My blood boils.

I'm not the only one who picks up on what the boys are saying though. Instantly Blaze stops playing with the other children and instead walks over where the group of boys are standing.

"Boys" Blaze growls using his beta authority.

"We do not speak like that"

"But beta its true" one of the braver boys dares to comment.

"Rick is my family. He is so much more than the rogue he USED to be. He is loved by both myself and his sister, my mate. So next time you think of speaking to him that way just remember you are speaking to a wolf with the rank of betas son are we clear"

"Yes beta" the boys say in chorus before running off.

From my hiding point I can only just make out what rick is saying due to his hushed words.

"Did... did you mean that?"

"Of course I did little man. You are my family now and I love my family" Blaze smiles. "Now let's go play!"

I watch as Blaze scoops rick up before continuing his previous game with the other children.

I watch for about an hour as rick, Blaze and the others run around laughing and screaming as they play their game.

Moon Goddess help me! Should I give this mate thing a chance?

Hi peoples,

Sorry for the longer wait. I've just come. Sick from holiday and things were manic.

This chapter isn't as exciting but things will pick up in the next one.

Don't forget to vote and comment!!

Nightowl xx

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