Chapter 32

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Blaze is currently carrying me through the forest. Apparently once all of Mortems pack felt his death they instantly stopped fighting and the pack turned to chaos desperately trying to figure out who their new Alpha is.

"You know you don't have to carry me right?"

Blaze just looks down at me with raised eyebrows before growling lowly and pulling me closer into his chest.

I can't be bothered to argue with him so instead i snuggle closer into his chest ignoring the fact the now sticky blood is getting all over his top.


I must have fallen asleep as when I wake up we are approaching the pack house. Before we can even reach the door Lucian, Aaron and Holly have left the door and come rushing towards us.

"Bloody hell Ash, when you said you would sort this I didn't think you'd come back looking like something from the exorcist" Aaron stares at me in shock.

"Well you shouldn't have let her go in the first place" Blaze growls.

"Aaron, how are the boys, did any of them get hurt?" I ask ignoring both of them.

"A couple of scratches but other than that they are all good"

I nod my head. I'm glad that they boys are safe, I don't think I could live with the though of one more of them being injured because of me.

"You have trained yourself some impressive warriors Astra. They all proved themselves today. Even Olive is making a speedy recovery" Lucian gives us a rare smile. "However we do have the matter of Mortems pack to contend with but we can do that tomorrow if you want"

"I want to talk to you about that, also I think we should sort them all out today, if we leave it any longer that only gives times for problems"

Lucian nods to me before gesturing for both Blaze and myself to follow him into his office in the pack house.

Ash, thank you for saving me. I could never thank you enough especially as you are pregnant and everything.

You are more than welcome Holly, but could you not tell anyone that I'm pregnant I would like to keep it a secret.

Of course.


I'm now stood in the centre of Lucians office. He did offer for me to sit down but I didn't want to mess anything up.

"Right to get to the point as both the first born and the wolf to kill the old alpha, Mortems title goes to me"

Both Blaze and Lucian continue to watch me in silence.

"However I don't want to become the Alpha. Instead I would like to pass the title on to Rick so that he becomes Alpha as is only right for him. What I wanted to ask was that you watch over both packs until Rick turns 18 and that we join the territory's together."

I look over at Lucian to see how my proposal has gone down so far.

"What I propose though is a permanent treaty between the two packs as well as a joint beta ship to ensure continued friendship between the two packs."

"Astra, after what you have done for me and this pack I could not repay. You risked not only your life but the life of your pup for my sister, I would be honoured to accept your agreement"

At that both Lucian and I cut our hands and mixed the blood in a handshake creating the most important pact in the whole of the werewolf world. The blood pact has been made and neither one of our relatives can ever break this pact or they will die themselves.


We made the announcement to both the packs that had gathered on the training field shortly after Lucian and I had made the bond. As beta of both the packs now it means that I will also deal with the stress of two packs along with Lucian.

Blaze is once again carrying me up to our floor in the pack house. It's just the two of us tonight as Rick is coming back tomorrow. By the time everything was settled and safe it was too late to drag Rick back across the grounds.

"I think it's time we got you clean off Ash. I love you but you are really starting to smell"

"I know. Now take me to the shower mate" I giggle at him.

His eyes darken slightly as he growls at me.

"Maybe I should join you" he growls whilst nibbling at the mark on my neck.

"Maybe you should" I gasp.


After a much longer than intended shower I am cuddled up in bed with Blaze wearing one of his shirts.

"Astra what you did today was both amazing and utterly stupid. I can't tell whether I should be proud of you or massively pissed off"

"I think I would prefer it if you were proud" I say whilst mindlessly tracing the piercing on his lip.  

"Promise me you won't do anything this stupid again"

"I promise I won't do anything like this again as long as it isn't completely necessary"  I smile up at him before placing a chaste kiss to his lips.

"That's as good as I'm gonna get isn't it" he chuckles.

"Ah you know me so well"

"That's because I love you Ash, always and forever" he says while pulling me closer still into his chest and placing a small kiss to my forehead.

"I love you as well Blaze, always and forever"

At that I go to sleep happily cuddle into my mates chest looking forwards to the future we have together no longer having to worry with the past catching up with me. 

The end.

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