Chapter 9

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Once I make it back to Blazes floor in the pack house I see that he is still sitting on the sofa where I left him earlier before visiting Martha.

Deep breathes Astra you an do this. You heard what Martha said he's not going to hurt you.

I walk over to the sofa and sit down right next to Blaze.

"What are we watching?" I ask

Blaze is staring at me with surprise all over his face.

"Uh can we talk first?"

"Sure" I say turning around to face him properly

"I just wanted to say that if you want to reject me because I'm not what you wanted then I have decided I will accept the rejection. I just want you to be happy" he tries to smile but I see the pain in his eyes.

"No I.. I.. I want to try this. It's all so new to me. It... it... it scares me" I turn away from him.

He places his fingers under my chin turning my face to look at him.

"So your saying that you will give this mate thing a chance. As in being my mate"

I'm mesmerised by the swirling shades of blue in his eyes as he waits for an answer. They really are eyes that you could get lost in. EWW NO THE THOUGHTS ARE STILL GROSS!

I can only nod in response.

A huge smile fills blazes face before he picks me up around the waist and spins me around in his arms.

I can't help the giggle that escapes my lips.

"Easy there, baby steps" I smile

"Oh shit sorry, we, do you wanna play twenty questions?"

He sits us both back on the sofa positioning me next to him.

"I guess so"

"Okay first question, favorite colour?"

"Blue, you?"

"Green, like your eyes" he smirks

"Now that was cheesy"

"Can't blame a guy for trying" he smirks "how many piercings do you have?"

"9 individual ones, 3 pairs of lobes, a rook, a helix and a daith. What about you?"

"5 individual ones, 1 pair of lobes, the snake bite and a pair of nipple piercings but I know you already know that" he smirks at me.

I can't help the blush the forms in my face as my eyes travel down his chest to where I know his nipple piercings are located.

"Do the piercings and tattoos freak you out?"

"No I think they are really sexy" I respond without thinking.

Once I realise what I have said my eye almost bulge out of my head. FOR FUCK SAKE ASTRA, THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK!

"Do you now?" Blaze is smirking at me with his eyebrows raised.

"Umm... what's your favourite thing to do?" I say as quickly as possible trying to change the convocation topic.

Blaze chuckles before answering me.

"Well it may sound cheesy but I really love playing with the children in the pack. My own father was a rather serious warrior and never had time to play with me or anything. All I remember is him being serious so I decided to make sure all the children in the pack would always have an adult to play with and be there for them. I also promised myself never to be serious unless completely needed"

He looks at me and just shrugs his shoulders like what he just said was not big deal. Clearly there is more to this man than I initially gave credit.

"What about you? What's your favourite thing to do?"

"I'm not really sure. Before when I was a rogue I didn't have time to do things for me"

"What about before that?"

"Well... things weren't easy for me in my old pack which is why I left but every so often I would sneak off to this meadow and I would run in the long grass" I smile at the memory.

"Can I ask you another question?"

"You just did" I smirk

"Ha ha very funny" blaze starts to pout.

"Go on then if you really must you big baby"

"If I remember you are the one that does the great grumpy toddler impression"

I raise my eyebrow at him before he puts his hands up in mock surrender.

"What does always and forever mean?"

My face falls and the mood changes instantly. Do I tell him something like that? I know I want to try with him but do I go that far? Moon Goddess help me!

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to"

"No.. no... it's fine. Umm well I had a ruff childhood"

Breathe Astra.

"We didn't know what would happen from day to day so instead of saying I love you we say always and forever. We felt it was stronger. Like saying no matter what happens you are in my heart always and forever" I look away.


"I'm gonna go to bed now I'm tired"

I get up quickly and make my way to Blazes room. I can feel him following closely behind me. I walk into the closet and throw on one of Blazes t-shirts. I have some clothes of my own now but these are really comfortable to sleep in.

As I walk into the bedroom I jump into the bed just as Blaze enters the room and heads to his closet. When he returns he is only wearing his boxers just like usual but this time I allow myself to look. Only a little.

He has a muscular chest with a well defined six pack. His arms are covered with a variety of black and white tattoos forming sleeves and his nipple piercings stand out in the minimal light.

He makes his way over the sofa he has been sleeping on for the last few weeks.

"Uh Blaze" he turns his attention to me.

"Do you want to sleep in the bed instead you've been stuck in the sofa for two long"

"You sure?"

I nod my head.

Blaze jumps onto the bed like a small child but his large adult frame means I get sent flying In to the air.

When I land I send Blaze a glare only to see him smirking at me.

"Not the most graceful way to fly but still cute because it's you" he smirks

I roll my eyes before I settle back into the bed again.

I feel the bed dip next to me as Blaze gets into the bed properly.

His arm wraps around my body and pulls me close to him so that my back is against his chest. I stiffen slightly before relaxing against him.

I don't know why but I feel safe in his arms. Slowly I drift to sleep for probably my best sleep in a long time.

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