Chapter 29

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We descend upon the camp in complete silence. Olive and Ester take the left while Sasha and Zoe go of to the right. Each of their intent carried strongly through the link we had decided to keep open. Revenge. They all wanted blood and I intend to get it for them.

The smell of death and hatred envelops us. No where else will you find such a smell on wolves other than rogues but Mortem breeds this into them.

I pass by several tents ignoring each of them. There scent isn't a distinctive one meaning neither Holly nor Mortem has been in them. Just as I found the corner I feel someone grab me from behind.

One of the large warriors who has stayed behind has his claws now digging into my arms. For fuck sake Astra pay attention! In one swift movement i press my claw into the pressure point on the inside of his wrist causing his hold to fail, in the blink of an eye I move with speed ripping out his windpipe and ending the threat in a shower of blood.

Girls, they know we are here , we need to move quickly now. I don't want to risk anyone's lives. If I say to leave then you leave, am I clear.

Yes beta. Sasha and Zoe reply through the link.

I wait a few more second to receive a reply for Olive and Ester but I get nothing. As the time progresses I get more and more worried, this isn't like them they should have replied by now.

Olive, Ester, what's going on? Is everything okay.

I wait for the reply and get back the one response I never wanted to get from them.


Running through the camp I pick up on their scent almost instantly. Despite the fact I had Horton them all to mask their scents with a mixture of flowers and mud each one of their scents is stuck in my mind meaning I can find them easily.

I find them both in a clearing between a group of tents. All around them is carnage. Tents ripped, basic camping equipment destroyed and weapons of all different descriptions litter the ground around them.

There must be at least 15 large warriors surrounding the two girls. A mixture of shifted and none shifted waiting to attack them. Now this one is going to be fun. I just hope my little dot will be safe.

In the middle of the chaos I can finally spot Ester and Olive. Ester is sporting a rather deep scratch mark to her face but is otherwise unharmed. Olive is a different story. She is only standing through her sisters support and I spot the tell tale sign of a deep wound as her hand attempts to stem the flow of crimson from her side.

There are a few bodies at the girls feet showing that they have already put up a fair fight but this number of wolves is nothing like anything the girls have ever faced.

I used the shadows to my advantage before I strike out. Partially shifting, well shifting as much as I can, my claws and fangs sprout. Within a few minutes I have the tracheas of at least 6 wolves in my closed fists as blood drops down my arms.

I know I've lost the element of surprise now as the remaining wolves turn to glare at me.

"Look, it's the little fighting princess" one of the wolves sneer.

"Hmm you're right, and as you should well know, none of you will be alive for much longer."

With a snarl the wolves all descend on me at once. Their training is sloppy though. They are relying on their numbers to overpower me leaving them all vulnerable for attack.

I have two wolves stomachs sliced open before they even land in the ground. The remaining seven are dealt with just as quickly, each being a fairly simple take down before I reach both the girls in the other side. A pile of bodies left behind me as well as the blood I am now covered in. I'm feeling the Carrie chic should be a new fashion statement.

"That... was so.... cool" Olive pants.

"I'm glad you though so but that's not important. Ester, get your sister back to the infirmary as quickly as possible, understand"

"Yes beta, they were guarding that tent there though, I think that's where Holly is"

"Alright, now go"

At they both retreat back towards the territory I look over to the tent that they had shown me. There is nothing particularly special about it apart from the fact it is slightly bigger than the rest. The smell however has me very intrigued.

As I enter I immediately see Holly tied to a large pole in the middle of the tent. Her eyes widen as she seems me and she struggles against the bonds in her wrist and the gag in her mouth as I approach her.

Sasha, Zoe, I have Holly.

I mind link them before I send them my location.

Carefully I make my way towards Holly before removing the gag from her mouth.

"Ash you came for me!"

"Of course I did Holly I wasn't going to leave you. Are you hurt?"

"Not too much, the ties burn"

I look around and notice her wrist binds have silver woven into the rope. Those bastards! I reckon that stings like a bitch.

"It's okay Holly, we will get you out of here"

I help Holly up as she hobbles towards Sasha and Zoe now standing at the other side of the tent. I pas her over to the girls quickly so they can get her back to the pack and into the infirmary as quickly as possible.

Just as I'm about to follow a disgusting smell hits me, one I never wanted to smell again, followed by a deep evil voice.

"Leaving so quickly Princess, wouldn't you like to say hello to daddy"

I turn to face the source of the disgusting voice.


Hi peoples,

Sorry to leave it on a cliff hanger but it will be worth it. Also to those who were excited about this chapter I hope it was worth it and I hope the wait wasn't too long either!

There are only a few more chapters left of this story but never fear there will be another one this time looking at Lucian finding his mate! If you have anything you want to see in that one please let me know so I can try and find a way to include it!

Nightowl x

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