Chapter 28

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"I want full mobilisation of all trained wolves, ready to move out in the next 10 minutes am I clear!" Lucian growls.

"Yes Alpha" Peter bows his head.

"Alpha are we including the high age group we've been training over the summer?" I question

"Only if you think they are ready, I don't want to put those who aren't at risk" Lucian nods to me.

"I will get my group ready then"

"NO YOU FUCKING WONT!" Blaze growls. "Hell will freeze over before I let you fight, there is no way you are putting yourself in danger!"

"Blaze, there is no way I'm not being a part of this. I'm the reason this fight is happening and there is no way I will let these people risk themselves if I'm not going to"

"You're not doing it end of story!"

"Am I missing something here?" Lucian snaps.

"Astra is pregnant. There is no way I'm going to let her fight" Blaze growls his response.

"He's right Astra you're not coming with us, Peter, leave Aaron to watch over them"

"Yes Alpha, the warriors are all ready to leave now" Peter bows his head

"Let's leave then"

Lucian and Peter leave the room to join the warriors waiting at the front. I feel the anger and betrayal coursing through my body. This isn't right. I should be out there with he rest of them. This is my fault and now I can do nothing.

"Ash I know you're pissed but I'm doing this because I love you, please forgive me"

"Be safe Blaze" I smile. Grabbing his head and bringing his forehead down to mine I whisper "always and forever"


I'm passing the room up and down unable to settle myself. Apparently I'm supposed to wait here until my glorified babysitter gets here. My only comfort Is that rick is safe but compared with all the shit i could lose that isn't really a big comfort to me.

The door handle moves and in stride Aaron. To someone who doesn't know him he looks as calm as ever but I can tell that he is worried about everything that's going to happen.

"So you're up the duff then" he smirks

"Thanks Aaron, you have such a way with words" I mumble dryly.

"You know you love me" he smiles.

"Yeah I do, that's why you are going to help me get into that camp before any of our wolves die" I smile sweetly at him.


"I'm going to do this either way Aaron, either you help me or I get you out of my way ok?"

"Fine what's the plan"


My own squad of wolves is now stood in front of me. Each one of them has already confirmed that they are willing to fight and I know each one of them is more than capable of holding their own in battle. After all I was the one who trained them.

"Right so everybody is clear on the plan. Boys you are to go with Aaron. You need to draw the attention of them towards the main group of warriors we have heading out. The way you've been trained has given you an advantage. I know you are all faster than the average wolf giving you a great advantage."

"Girls you are to come with me. We are going I to the heart of the camp itself. Our objective is to get Holly. If you come across Mortem I will deal with him. The second you have Holly you are to link me and get her out of their ASAP no matter what happens."

"You are all fast and stealthy. I want you all to get in and out without being seen if possible. However if you are found they will not go easy on you. You go in for the kill. It may be difficult but in this case it is a case of kill or be killed. Are you all still willing to do this?"

"YES BETA!" They all growl.

"Let's go then"

Immediately the males in my squad shift. All following the tell tale orange coat of Aaron. I have faith in them all. They are all capable of this.

I turn to face the girls all looking at me eagerly. We aren't going to shift in order to hold the element of surprise. The girls have all changed into their own warrior clothes but underneath I have ensured that they are all wearing thick leather body armour. It's the best we can give if they want to still be able to move in a way that gives them and advantage but some protection is better than none.

We set off into a dead sprint towards the tree line. The amount of running I've made these girls do means I know they can keep up the pace as well as them giving the majority of werewolves a run for their money when it comes to speed.

We come to a stop in the border line of the campsite. Turning I see all the girls have arrived but the distraction hasn't been put in play yet.

I want you all in pairs, olive and ester together and Zoe and Sasha. Don't not leave your partner. Watch each other's backs am I understood. I mind link them.

What about you? Zoe questions me.

Don't worry about me just stick to the plan.

Calming myself down I take deep breathes. He's here. I know he is, i can smell him.

Suddenly there is movement in the camp. Well over half the wolves present suddenly shift and bolt towards the tree line the other side of where we are hidden. The boys must have caught their attention fulfilling their part of the plan. I just hope that they all stay safe.

The girls notice the bulk of the wolves disappearing as well. I feel their aggression growing. This time Mortem fucked up. Not only did he take our Alphas sister, but he took one of my squads own and now we are getting her back.

Let's go ladies.

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