Chapter 8

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It's been two weeks now since I saw Blaze standing up for rick and I more confused than ever.

Since I have been here Blaze has been nothing but kind. He hasn't tried to push me to do anything I don't want to do in any respect. He has spent so much time with Rick now I think they are almost attached at the hip. On top of that he has been so determined to make sure I get better that I have now put on the weight i needed to and all my wounds are healed.

On the other hand, what if it is all an act to make me trust him? Call me paranoid but I can't help the thought. I don't even know what a mate really is for fuck sake!

"Earth to Astra!"

"What is it baby boy?" I smile at Rick.

"I have something important to talk about before bed" he gives me his best serious face.

"If that's the case we better get talking then"

We walk into Ricks new bedroom. A couple of days after we came here Blaze redecorated the whole room with a space theme after he found out Rick loves space.

I sit on the bed and Rick crawls into the space between my legs and leans back on my chest.

"Are we going to stay here forever?"

I'm shocked by his question.

"What do you think we should do baby boy?"

"I think we should stay here forever" he says with a nod.

"And why is that?"

"Well we have food here, and a house, and everyone is really nice. Especially Blaze. They are different from everyone in old pack"

He tilts his head to the side showing me his serious thinking face.

"I think you should be nicer to Blaze. He isn't like the bad man"

I feel my throats close at my brothers mention of him. They do say children are good judges of character don't they?


"I guess you are right baby boy" I smile "Now get some sleep okay"

"Okay" he shuffles under the covers "always and forever"

"Always and forever"

I make my way out of ricks room and Into the living room. Blaze is sat on the sofa flicking through channels on the television before stopping on a football game.

When I move closer to the door he turns around and focuses his attention on me.

"I'm just going out for a bit. Ricks in bed"

"Astra... umm... can we talk" his face looks slightly serious. A foreign look on Blazes face.

"Umm can we talk later I really need to go"

"Uh sure"


Once I'm safely out of the house I make my way towards Marthas home. She showed me where she lived a couple of days ago after I had finished a training session and she had brought me some more cookies.

She lives in a small White House near the centre of the pack. It is rather cute and homely with hanging baskets full of bright pink flowers outside.

I step onto the porch and knock on her blue front door.

Within seconds the door is opened and I am greeted with Marthas normal smile but once she sees my face she knows something is wrong.

"Whatever is the matter dear" she says whilst pulling me into the house.

"Umm can I talk to you?"

"Of course!"

She pulls me into her small sitting room and sits me on the sofa before taking a seat next to me.

"So how can I help" she smiles encouragingly.

"Umm Martha what exactly is a mate? I mean what are they supposed to do?" I ask shyly

"Oh my dear has nobody ever told you?" She has a sympathetic look on her face.

I just shake my head.

"Well if I start from the very beginning a mate is your soul mate. They are chosen for you by the moon Goddess herself. Like your missing part. A mate is there to love and protect you. That's why each mate marks the other so that wolves around them know that they have a mate and to leave there alone"

"I thought the mark means you belong to someone... like property"

"Oh heavens no dear! A male and female mark each other as a sign of love, in a way it's like saying your heart belongs to me as mine belongs to you" she sighs

"Have you found your mate dear? Is there something that you are worried about?" She smiles

"I.. I... What if my mate hurts me?"

"Oh dear! Only a truly evil wolf could ever hurt his mate and I can promise you that not a single one of them exist in this pack. Is that what you were worried about?"

"Yes" I whisper

"Has he given you any sign that he will hurt you?"

"Well... no"

"If you want my advice dear I would say give him a chance. Allow yourself the chance to fall in love with him"

I look at her smiling face.

"And if he does hurt you in any way just tell me and I'll give you his balls on a plate" she smiles sweetly.

I can't help the laughter now. I would never have imagined a sweet old lady to say such a thing.

"Thank you Martha" I throw my arms around her in a hug.

"Can you tell me about your mate?" I ask

"Ah Samuel was the sweetest wolf I have ever met. At first I was scared of him. He had the reputation as our most brutal warrior at the time but around me he was nothing but caring and gentle. We had one son together and i know he loved me with all his heart up to the day he died" she smiles at the memory

"I hope I have something like that" I sigh

"You will my dear. Now stop wasting time here and get back to that mate of yours"

Hi peoples,

Sorry for the delay on this chapter I have been ridiculously busy recently!

I hope you enjoy this and don't forget to vote and comment!

Nightowl xx

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