Chapter 30

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Blazes POV

All the warriors are now gathered outside the camp grounds. We aren't close enough to be able to see anything so we can try and hide their scents. We do however have a few scouts moving on ahead in order to see where the best place to attack the camp is.

From what I've heard they have brought most of their warriors with them which is never a good thing. That monster really wants my mate.

I here myself growl at the thought of anyone taking ash away from me. I never dreamed that I would be this happy with my mate. The scary, powerful, skilled she wolf that only shows a select few the kind caring sweet person she is. And who can forget her wicked sense of humour. My life has been made so much better since her and Rick joined it. Giving me an instant family. Then the news that she was pregnant with my pup made me the happiest man alive. Nothing could ever beat that feeling.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts as Lucian approaches me.

"The force is large, I will lead the main portion of the army to draw away the wolves. Whilst that is happening you and a small group of warriors are to go into the camp and find my sister. Kill any wolf in sight, they won't get away with this" Lucian snarls.

His eyes have gone pitch black along with his claws and fangs sprouting. This ladies and gentlemen is one seriously pissed off Alpha.

Just as I try and move towards my band of warriors Peter comes rushing towards us.

"Alpha, the wolves are on the move. They are heading straight towards us following a small group of other wolves lead by Aaron"

"That can't be true Aaron is supposed to be watching Ash"

"I know that Beta, but the scouts have seen him and I can't deny it. He is leading this small band of wolves and from the sound of things these are the wolves beta Astra has been training"

A loud growl sounds from my throats at that thought. They better be mistaken. Their is no way Astra would do this to me. Not with her carrying our pup as well.

"We have no time to worry about this now. Prepare the warriors to intercept them"

"Yes Alpha" Peter bows before heading off to do as he is told.

Aaron that better not be you running towards us.

Hey Blaze.. look I know your pissed of but can we do this later currently I have a fuck ton of angry wolves on my tail.


Well she may or may not have taken the females she has been training to the camp in order to get Holly back.

His voice trails off towards the end of his sentence.

In one swift mood I have turned. Slashing through the tree that was once behind me so that it is nothing more than a log in the floor.

"Let me guess, she ignored us both and has already gone in to get Holly" Lucians eyebrow is raised. He is unsuccessfully trying to hide the small smirk threatening to spread across his lips.

"It's not funny I'm going in to find her"

"No, you are going in to get my sister for all we know Astra and her band if she wolves have been unsuccessful and Holly is still in the camp on her own. "

Before I can say another word the voice of the gobby blonde Ash has been training, I think her name is Zoe, filters through my mind.

We have Holly and are taking her back to the infirmary. Astra found her. We only have one injury in the group but there are now a ton of bodies that we will need to deal with.

"You have one hell of a mate their Blaze" Lucian chuckles.

The message does nothing to get rid of my anger and worry towards what Astra had done. There is no way I'm going to calm down until she is safely secured in my arms.

Where is Beta Astra now?

I question impatiently through the mind link.

I don't know she was right behind us but I haven't seen her since we got Holly.

I growl in frustration turning to Lucian once more to beg him to let me go and find my mate or so help me Goddess I will do something that I will much later regret.

Before the question has even left my lips I receive my answer from Lucian.


I sprint of in the direction of the camp as Lucian walks towards the rest of the warriors to prepare for battle.

Astra better not be hurt and a hair on her head better not be injured otherwise people are about to see a very dark side of me and I'm not going to be able to control it.

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