Chapter 27

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I don't know how long I've been sat in the same spot but it feels like eternity. The fact that I'm pregnant still has registered with me properly. I thought it was impossible. What that monster had done to me was to ensure that I would never have pups. I had accepted that as a fact. I'm not prepared for this. I don't think I'm capable of being a mother. I can't raise a pup. Who would want someone as damaged as me as their mother, I'll only do more harm than good.

I draw my attention back down to the small white stick in my hands. It's funny to think that such a small seemingly insignificant thing could do so much to change my life in ways that I can't even comprehend yet.

I'm startled from my thoughts my a bang at the door. Jumping slightly my hand goes to my stomach in reflex protecting the small dot I've just found out is inside, growling at whoever continues to bang on the door.

"Ash? Are you in there? I can feel your panic and fear through the bond, can you let me in please?"

I sit there starring at the small stick in my hands some more as I contemplate what I should do. I feel my heart start to race at the prospect in front of me.

The door handle rattling once again draws my attention.

"Ash baby let me in. Something's wrong I know it. I can feel it. Seriously ash let me in" Blaze voice sounds worried now as he frantically tries to get into the bathroom.

I slowly make my way over to the door, taking a few deep breathes as I go before unlocking it. The door flies open the second it is unlocked and in the blink of an eye I find myself in Blazes protective hold. His eyes roaming all over my body checking me for any sign of injury.

"Ash, what's wrong?"

The moment after the softly spoken words leave his lips the flood gates to my tears open. Launching myself into my mates arms I bury my face into his neck and cry into the material of his shirt.

His strong arms wrap around me pulling me I to his chest as he lowers the both of us to the floor. I'm still crying into his neck as he moves my legs to straddle his own now that we are sat on the floor.

"Ash what's wrong?" His voice remains calm but I can tell he is concerned. His large hand rubs soothing circles on my back.

As Blaze continues to rub circles on my back and murmur soothing words into my ears I calm down. Tracing the pattern of the tattoos on his arms I allow my breathing to return to normal before refocusing my attention to the small white stick I have clutched in my hand.

Hesitantly I lift it up showing Blaze the two lines printed across the side of the device I hold.

"I'm pregnant" I whisper.

Slowly raising my face to gage his reaction I stop as I see Blazes eyes widen.  Shrinking away slowly I try and prepare myself for his negative reaction.

Suddenly his laughter fills the room causing my body to tense and my eyes to fly to his as sparks run through me. As soon as my eyes make contact with his he's grabbed by face and his lips land on mine.

The kiss is hard and passionate causing me to gasp. The perfect opportunity for Blaze to slide his tongue last my lips. They continue to do battle until we both pull away gasping for breathe.

"You're pregnant" Blaze smiles with a breathe taking grin. "I can't believe you're pregnant. We are going to be parents"

He continues to smile as he pulls me against his chest placing a delicate kiss on the top of my head.

"You're not angry at me for saying I couldn't have pups?" I look up at him.

"I could never be angry at you Ash. You thought you couldn't have pups which I accepted but this little miracle has made me the happiest person alive"

He smiles down at me before gently placing his hand over my stomach. I allow my much smaller hand to cover his one resting on my stomach.

"Blaze, I'm scared" I cuddle further into him.

"Don't worry Ash. I'm here for you and I promise I won't let anything happen to you. We will go through this together and I'll look after you. Remember what I told you when I first found that you were my mate and then you and Rick would be coming to lie with me. You are my family and I will do anything to protect my family. The only thing that's changed is that our pup will be joining us" he smiles down at me rubbing his hand against me still flat stomach.

"Will you still love me if I'm a hormonal bitch?"

"Of course I will" he chuckles.

"Good, cause I'm going to be pregnant for just under a year and a half"

"One of the perks of being a werewolf" Blaze smirks down at me.

"I love you Ash"

"Always and forever?"

"Always and forever" he says resting his forehead against mine.

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