Chapter 19

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Without hesitation I snap her neck. The quick death doing little to settle the pressing need for revenge inside of me but at least she is dead now. One less problem to worry about on my ever growing list.

"ASH!" Blazes worried voice momentarily rips me from the red haze taking over.

Blaze shows no sign of slowing down as he practically dives to where I am sitting next to the traitors corpse.

Once I'm within arms length he wraps his arms around me pulling my small body into his much larger one before burying his  head into my neck inhaling deeply.

"Ash are you ok? Did she hurt you?"

Blaze pushes me away from him for just long enough to check me over for any injuries before pulling me closer to his chest to a point I could barely breathe.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?" Lucians voice booms over the crowd causing many wolves to cower away but not me.

The sheer power radiating off him would be crushing to a lesser wolf. As Lucian gets closer I can see his eyes have become pitch black and he looks like he wants blood.


I feel Blaze tighten his grip around me as he growls lowly at the threat in front of us.

"I can give you answer!" I snap "Alpha" I mutter at the end.

Lucian, double patrols further and send everyone home, the threat is gone for the night I will explain everything tomorrow.

I mind link the very pissed if Alpha in front of me.

He screams the orders out to the crowd of people who quickly disperse. No one wants to deal with an angry alpha.

"First thing tomorrow morning Astra, without fail"

"Yes Alpha" I nod before turning back to Blaze.

He wraps his arm around me and pulls me close to his side as we make our way back to the pack house.


The second the door has closed behind me I'm pushed up against it as Blaze attacks my mouth with a passionate kiss.

I can feel his internal fight to protect me whilst allowing me my freedom through the kiss. I couldn't ask for a better mate.

We both break the kiss at the same gasping for air. He rests his forehead against mine, the tips of our noses ever so slightly touching.

"I though I was gonna lose you ash, I know you are strong but my wolf won't let me believe it fully, I need you safe ash. I can't lose you"

I grab the side of his face making sure his eyes are focused on mine before I speak.

"Blaze you haven't lost me, I'm here, we need to keep each other safe, ok? I can't lose you either"

I feel his hands slide under my bum as he picks me up and brings me closer to his chest than I thought possible before placing another scorching kiss on my lips.

"You can put me down now Blaze" I smile

"Never" he growls before nipping at the mark on my neck.

A wave of pleasure rushes through me as he nips at me neck swiftly followed by a scorching heat.

"Blaze" I can barely moan before the heat rushes through me again.

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