Chapter 23

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Memories of last nights excitement flood my brain the second I wake up. I was too worried and excited to think of it then but the thought rushes straight to my waking brain.

I'm unaware that my heart rate has increased and I have started to panic until Blaze practically flies off the bed growling at an imaginary threat.

"Ash! What's wrong?"

His voice is still a startled growl as he slowly starts to convince himself that there is in fact no threat present.

I can't force the words out no matter how hard I try. The panic has consumed me. He's coming.

"Ash please look at me" Blaze whines.

Slowly I lift my head to look into his own equally worried eyes. His hands hold firm on my shoulders, the sparks being te only thing that has me rooted and not flying into a panic.

"Deep breaths, come on now, calm down"

He keeps his eyes locked on my own as I start to mimic the breathing pattern he is showing me. Slowly I manage to catch my breathe and the panic flows away with each passing breath.

"Now what's wrong ash" Blaze coos.

"He's coming"

"What do you mean he's coming, who's coming?" Blaze furrows his eyebrows together.

"Mortem he's coming, he's close by"

"How do you know that Ash?"

"Why else would rick shift so young, his wolf could feel the threat"

"Ash I think you're overreacting just a bit"

Although this time remains calm and caring I can't help the anger that suddenly flared within me. The feeling acts like lava flowing through my veins.


"Ash you need to calm down" Blaze attempts to pacify me.


I jump off the bed, anger coarsening through my veins taking me to all different heights. I pace for a moment attempting to cool myself off whilst Blaze looks in with worry.

"Ash..." it's barely a whisper as Blaze reaches out to touch my arm.

I don't know why but the small action on proves to return all the anger I had just gotten rid of by tenfold.


Before my brain even has time to compute what I am doing I have sprinted out of the building. My brain doesn't catch up until my feet hit the grass of the training field outside of the pack house.

Looking around I see the faces of a few startled wolves that are up this early. I mean who wouldn't be startled at seeing their pissed of beta female standing on the training field in just her pyjamas.

I try and shift into my wolf but for some reason I just can't focus enough to shift. Without missing a beat I take off running ignoring the pain in my feet as sticks and stones penetrate the soft skin. 

I run and run not bothering to look back until my body is drained of all thoughts and feelings leaving me a hunched over mess in the forest. Pain courses through all of my body but it's a welcome distraction as it allows me to clear my mind.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!" I scream as what has just happened plays through my mind.

Why the hell would I do that? All he was trying to do was care for me and I snapped at him like a vicious bitch. My mate of all people. The one person I know loves and cares for me and I treat him like a piece of shit.

The sadness hits me, leaving me a deflated mess on the forest floor but just as quickly as it came it's once again replaced with anger.

Spinning quickly I lash out at the nearest thing to me. A distinctive crack seems to echo through the forest as my fist comes into contact with the nearest tree leaving a splintered indent in the shape of my hand. 

I watch as my hands starts to swell. The delicate flesh quickly bruising, the skin split in a few areas. Once again the pain allows me to clear my mind. Properly this time.

Just as I'm about to return from the direction I have come in the scent of blood hits my nose.

Not knowing what to expect I follow my instincts and investigate further.

I'm right on the edge of the territory now. The pack scent grows weak as the blood grows stronger. Vines and thorns creep up the trees acting as natures own barrier to the threat from the outside world.

The scent of blood is too strong now, almost as if I am covered in it myself. Looking around I don't see anything until I spot him.

"MORRIS!" I screech.

The little old man flashes me a small smile before falling to his knees clutching his stomach.

Diving to catch him I get there just in time before he collapses in a heap on the ground. Clutching his frail body to me I take note of the change on the o my friendly face I have ever known.

His previously pink skin is so pale now it's nearly translucent. Dark bags mar his once soft and gentle face. Horrid purple, blue and yellow bruises cover his frail body, now starved of any nutrition.

"Morris what did they do to you?" I whimper taking note of his laboured breathes.

"They kept me prisoner chicken, after I helped you" he softly wheezes.

"How did you escape?"

"They let me go, to deliver a message. He's coming and now he knows you're mated. I'm so proud of you chicken" he smiles softly.

As he lifts his arm up to touch my face he winces. His arm falling heavily to the side.

I look down and see blood flowing from his stomach in a darkly beautiful stream.

"Couldn't let me get to you too quickly now could they chicken" he tries to smile.


I scream through the pack link not caring at how desperate I sound.


The betas in trouble!

Someone find her quick!

We're coming beta!

Hurry up idiots!!


The messages from my fellow pack members flood through the link as they all try and find me in a frenzy. I wish I could block them out but I can't if I want them to find me.

"Stay with me now Mo, I've just got you back I can't lose you again" I say with a forced smile.

"I'm so glad I got to see you again one more time chicken" no whispers

I hear the foot steps in the distance but I can't focus as I watch Mo's cloudy grey eyes slowly close.

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