New friends already

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The plane journey was long, I think I slept for most of it, when we arrived in Alola we took the taxi from the airport to the outskirts of Hau'Oli city, where our new house was. I helped my mom unpack our stuff and explored our new house, while trying to walk off the cramp from a six-hour plane journey. It was fairly large and modern, with a porch on the east wing and a garage on the west. The interior had a large living space with a kitchen area and a dining space. Our two rooms were positioned at the back, the one the left for my mom, the one on the right for me.

As soon as I finished helping unpack, I went into my new room and collapsed onto the quarter sized bed. Before I knew it, I was asleep.

I woke up to my mom's Meowth (which she kept as a family pet) pawing at my face.

''Morning fella.'' I muttered sleepily as I stood up and stretched.

There was a whole box of clothes packed neatly on floor, I picked a black and white striped T-shirt, black cargo shorts, blue trainers and a black baseball cap. I donned my trusty black backpack from when I first attended summer Pokémon camp in Kanto. I opened my door and stepped into the living space, the porch door was open, and my mom was out on the porch with a cup of coffee in her hand.

"Morning mom," I greeted cheerily as I stepped out onto the porch.

She was wearing a white T-shirt, a yellow flowered dress and sandals, her long brown hair was tied neatly behind her and she had a pair of sunglasses perched on top.

"Morning sweetie!" She replied cheerfully, "You were out like a light, weren't you? You ought to be full of energy by now!"

"Yes, I've mostly recovered by now." I told her.

"By the way, professor Kukui said he'd be visiting us in a few minutes, you two have met before right?"

"Yup." I nodded.

The doorbell rang, as if on cue.

"That'll be professor Kukui then, why don't you go let him in, Stephen?"

I turned around and entered the living area.

The door was already opened and professor Kukui stood there at the entrance. He was quite tall, with olive brown skin and a white lab coat draped over his bare chest. He was wearing a white cap and grey shorts and sandals, his long hair was tied into a bun and he also had a pair of shades.

"Hey there Stephen! Good to finally see you in person, cousin!" He greeted cheerily.

"Nice to meet you too." I grinned.

My mom came back into the living space from the porch and greeted professor Kukui.

"Good morning professor!"She smiled.

"Nice to meetchya, Mrs Ketchum." he replied, "you're from the Kanto region, right?"

"Indeed." My mom agreed.

"See, I once spent time their to train and get stronger, but those Kanto gym leaders proved me wrong!" He laughed to himself at the memory.

"Say, Stephen, you wanna come see some Alolan pokémon with me? I heard the island's Kahuna is giving away some starter pokémon!"

"Really?" I gasped. I had never actually trained a pokémon before and right now I would've loved to. "Can I go, mom?" I turned towards my mother and asked her.

"Of course, Sweetie! I knew you'd be pumped to meet some Alolan pokémon!" She replied.

"Looks good to me, I'll give you some time to prepare yourself and then we'll head up the path to Iki town to find the Kahuna!" professor Kukui told me.

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