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The Next Day...

It was a bright and sunny morning. I stood on the porch with my Mom, marveling at the morning sunshine.

"Now, I wonder what will happen today..." She yawned, still sleepy.

The doorbell rang.

"Was that the doorbell?" She asked herself.

"Oh, that's got to be Kukui. Why don't you let him in, Stephen?"

"I'll go get it." I replied.

But it wasn't Kukui.

It was Hau.

"Stephen! It's a disaster! A total disaster!" He stammered frantically.

"Whoa, calm down, mate. What's wrong? Take it slow." I replied.

"Oh, Hau! What's wrong?" My mom came through the door.

"Oh! Auntie! Hi! Sorry! I'll explain later, but...but...Stephen has to come with me right now! If we don't hurry, the ship is gonna leave!" Hau panicked.

"Wait, what ship?" I asked.

"No time to explain! Come on, let's go!" Hau grabbed my arm and dragged me out.

"I'll be back before breakfast!" I called back to my mom.

. . .
• • •

At the Hau'Oli marina, Kukui stood at the port with Lillie.

"You know, Lillie...Kanto is a long way away from here. Try not to let the jetlag hit you too hard." He began. "Burnett's...well...she said she'd be too sad to watch you go, so she wouldn't even come out with me. I know it's a lot to ask, but forgive her this time, wouldja? She did tell me to let you know the loft in the lab is yours to use indefinitely. So you come back and stay whenever you like, Lillie!"

At that moment, me and Hau showed up at the marina.

"You didn't tell us!" Hau exclaimed.

"What's wrong? What's going on?" I asked.

"Hau...Stephen...I'm sorry...but I've decided. I have to to to Kanto. To help my mother get better...but more than help my mother get stronger." She solemnly said.

"'re...leaving?" I asked slowly, trying to handle the shock of the news. The girl I had previously sneaked off with last night was now leaving, right before my eyes.

"Yes, Stephen. Of course I'm sad to leave Alola...but the thought of going to Kanto also fills my heart with excitement!" She continued. "I'm going to become a real trainer and meet all kinds of wonderful Pokémon. I'm going to travel all around Kanto, just like we did here on Alola for your island challenges!"

She turned to me.

"And no matter what happens on my journey...I'm going to be ok. Because of the smiles you shared with me. You and me and everyone here...thank you all so much!"

She closed her eyes.

"And that's why someday...someday I'll come back to Alola again!"

Hau raced forwards.

"But...but...I haven't got to say any of the things that I wanted to say to you!! I'm gonna send you a letter! A really, really long one! You'd better wait!"

Lillie laughed, that lovely and adorable sound. Probably the last time I'll hear that in a while.

"I will, Hau. And please, take this." She handed him an envelope, which Hau gratefully tucked away in his bag.

Lillie the turned to me.

"Stephen...this may look a little worn, but..that is because this was my most treasured belonging once."

She handed me a Clefairy doll.

"Thanks...but the hardest thing is...knowing won't be around...for...for..." My voice trailed off, tears forming in my eyes.

"I'll...I'll miss you too...Stephen..." Lillie's own voice breaking.

We held each other tight, tighter than ever, knowing that this would be our last embrace for some time. Remembering all our memories we've had on our adventure, it all seemed like a lifetime ago, and now the girl of my dreams had grown so much, become so strong and independent...

Gently letting go of each other, she wiped her cheeks.

"Then I suppose...this is goodbye." She almost whispered.

I nodded. "You go and show 'em, Lillie. Show 'em everything you've got!"

. . .

The boat, appropriately named the SS Sunflower, set off into the horizon.

Hau sat by the edge of the pier, tears in his eyes.

"Hau, I know what it's like when you can't help but cry. But you know...when you're saying goodbye to someone you love, you gotta show them one last smile, yeah!" Kukui remarked in a reassuring voice.

"Y-yeah...I...I think I wanna go see my Gramps..." Hau replied.

"Yeah, let's all go home. We've got people waiting for us. Our families are waiting for us!" Kukui added.

Hau nodded, and smiled.

"You lot all go ahead." I muttered. "I'll catch you up."

"Sure thing, cousin." Kukui replied. "Come on, Hau, let's go."

As they set off towards the outskirts to wait for me, I stood up and gazed out at the horizon.

Sometimes the things we can't change end up changing us.

What they say really is true.

Best friends really are like stars.

You can't always see them, but you'll always know they're there.

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