Verdant cavern

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On the way to Verdant cavern, I ran into Lillie.

"Oh, hi Stephen. I heard you were attempting the island trial, aren't you?" She asked in that charmingly sweet voice of hers.

"Yes, as a matter of fact I am on my way right now, fancy a walk?" I asked.

"Oh, uh maybe." She agreed.

We strolled along route 2. Discussing about ourselves. I told her how my dad left me as a baby and I have grown up only with my mom since I was half a year old. I told her about how when I was younger I was different than the other kids because I could somehow eat berries-which were normally inedible and some even poisonous to humans-for hours on end. I told her about how I lived in Kanto for nearly 11 years and only moving here for less than a year.

She was a very good listener, and she told me a little about how she doesn't like pokémon battles but loves reading, how she hates seeing injured pokémon, and how she never really remembered her childhood.

All that talking had driven me right through the monotonous and long walk to Verdant cavern, and before I knew it we were there.

Verdant cavern was a huge cave chock full of plant life and bustling with the chatter of pokémon. There was a man dressed in a blue T-shirt and blue cap standing in front of the entrance.

"Alola!" He called over, "you must be Stephen! The Kahuna said you'd be here!"

"Yes, I'm Stephen. Nice to meet you. Is this Verdant cavern?" I asked.

"Indeed!" The man said, "I'm one if the trail guides here, there are a whole team of us of every island to help any trainers undergoing the island challenge!"

He pointed into the cave mouth.

"Now this is where you will begin the trial! One rule though, you are not permitted to use pokéballs on the premises until you have completed the trial! Now on you go!"

Lillie gently tugged on my arm, "Stephen, um, would you mind trying this on your own?" She asked, "I, um, don't really like going near wild pokémon. I don't like seeing them hurt as well. So, could I possibly ask you to do this on your own?"

"Of course. I'm not forcing you. You can wait here if you want!" I told her.

The trial guide led me into the cave.

"So, the way this trial works is that you defeat the three wild pokémon in this cave, then proceed to the totem's den, where you'll face a more powerful totem pokémon! It's actually quite self-explanatory, so you can go ahead! Trial start!" He announced.

I proceeded up the rocky ledges, Litten's pokéball gripped tightly in hand, when I heard the squabbling chatter of a pokémon, before I knew it, it had pounced on me from behind and I was locked into battle.

The wild pokémon looked like a ferret, brown fur with a long blonde patch running down its neck and back. Upon this, Rotom leapt out of my bag and zipped to life.

"Bzzt! That's my cue! Yungoos, the loitering pokémon. Yungoos is a big eater that is never satisfied. The majority of its long body is given over to its stomach, and its digestion is swift, so it's always hungry. It has strong fangs, so it can crush and consume the hardest of objects. Bzzt!"

"So that's a Yungoos, huh? Guess that's one of the wild pokémon I have to take on! Go! Litten!" I threw Litten's pokéball into the air and Litten leapt gracefully out of it.

"Hit it with fire fang!" I commanded. I watched as it leapt forward and crashed into Yungoos with a mouth of blazing flame. Yungoos was knocked back and was struggling to get up.

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