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As I returned back home with Kukui, I went over everything that had happened in my mind.

I went over my whole adventure in Alola.

From the beginning to the end.

When I first met Lillie on Mahalo trail.

When I picked my starter.

When I completed my first trial.

When I defeated Aether and Lusamine.

When I became champion.

And finally when the girl of my dreams left, to grow, to mature.

We were now at the junction between the beach and my house.

Kukui waved goodbye. "See you around, Little Cousin!"

I nodded. "See you around."

There, at the end of the dirt track, my mom stood waiting for me.

And as I passed the Pokémon centre beside our house, I remembered when I first started my adventure, when my starter was still a Litten, and when I first met Lillie.

We walked back home.

And as I walked, I looked up, towards the sun already climbing high into the sky, and to the moon, a white shadow just barely visible on the other side.

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