Alola's Pokémon League

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Over the course of the next few days I completed any remaining trials I had missed while bringing Lusamine to sense.

And all that stood in my way now was Alola's Pokémon League.

. . .

I stood at the foot of Mount Lanakila, the tallest peak in all of Alola. This was where our League would be built.

Taking the lift up to the summit of the mountain, I encountered Gladion, who thanked me for my efforts and challenged me to a friendly battle.

After I made it through the icy cavern chock-full of strong trainers which was victory road, it now stood before me.

Alola's Pokémon League.

Suddenly, one of my Pokéballs started twitching.

Incineroar broke out and looked at me with determined eyes.

Looking at my starter Pokémon, and at how far I've come since then, I couldn't help but smile.

"You're going to do just fine. We are all gonna face this together, as a team." I reassured.

Incineroar grinned and nodded.

. . .

The four types of Pokémon used in the elite four were Fighting, Rock, Ghost and Flying.

All of my team got a chance to battle.

Solgaleo and Toucannon took care of Fighting and Rock alongside Greninja, Greninja assisted Incineroar with Ghost, and with the help of a Magnezone I had caught and evolved on Ula'Ula', took out Flying.

At last, now before me, stood the champion's throne.

Looking at it, I couldn't believe that it was right there.

The one thing that granted full control of all if Alola, the highest status of power.

It was right there.

It was mine.

I proceeded over to the throne and sat down.

There was a flash of white light as the teleporter leading to this room activated.

Kukui stood there.

"Oh yeah, now you're the Pokémon League Champion!" He grinned.

He suddenly shook his head.

"Wouldn't it be nice if it was that simple? The truth is, there's one more person you have to battle if you want that title. And of course that trainer is me. Woo! One final hurrah for your island challenge, and a special tribute as you and this Pokémon League embark on a new path! Let's have a battle worthy of this moment!"

"Agreed." I stood up with a smile.

And with that, the final battle to determine the champion began.

• • •

Kukui removed his glasses and sent out Lycanroc, no doubt his Rockruff evolved, I began the battle with Greninja.

"Newcomer goes first!" Kukui called.

"Why, thank you. Water Shuriken!"

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