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Just the dark...

Nothing else is there...


I snap out of unconsciousness.

Confused. Aching.

Blurry vision...

Can't open eyes fully...

Floating. In a tank of some weird liquid...

I try to move...

I'm naked.

No clothes, instead

Tubes. All over me. Latched. Drilled. Attached into my skin.

I can't move without tugging on them.

Every spot they latch onto is cold.

So cold.

Some sort of mask on my face.

Oxygen mask, probably?

I can breathe fine.

I try to follow the tubes. See where they go.

Large cylinders of liquid. Green, red blue, yellow, orange, silver, black, purple...

Two voices.

I can't see who it is. And it's hard to hear from inside water.

But I make it out.

"Oh look, he's awake."

"Bit earlier than expected, eh?"

"We haven't even started the main event yet."

"Shall we tranquilize him?"

"Why not? Spare him the pain to come."

I panicked. Trying to break free I squirm and thrash. But the tubes stop me. Catch me. Trap me like a fish in a net.

I squirm and I thrash.

A clear liquid flows through of the tubes.

I squirm and I thrash.

It reaches me.

I squirm and I thrash.

It's so cold.

I squirm and I thrash I squirm and I thrash I squirm and I thrash I-

Suddenly, pain...

Eyesight blurring again. Head becoming heavy. Losing consciousness.

Suddenly, pain.

It hurts.

It hurts!

It hurts...

It hurt...

It hur...




(Author's note: There you have it. Just some quick dark poetry to bridge the gap to come. Just for a change rather than just the boring old story telling. More stuff is on the way. Stay tuned!)

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