My starter

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When I walked with the girl back to Iki town, Kukui was there waiting for us.

"Hey! Stephen! Looks like you just missed the Kahuna! But looks like you also found my assistant! But just in case you haven't met already, this is my assistant, Lillie."

"O-oh yes, y-you can call me Lillie."she stuttered.

"Stephen," I stuck out my hand and she delicately shook it, "nice to meet you."

"I'll just let you two get along now, gotta let the Kahuna know you're here!" Kukui noted.

As Kukui strolled towards a large town hall, Lillie hastily reached into her bag and pulled out a bandage.

"H-here,"she help them towards me, "S-sorry for having to make you walk across such a dangerous bridge, here, let me help you with that."

She tore off a large strip of bandage and carefully wrapped it around my arm, where it'd been scratched by the Spearow earlier.

"It should heal in a few days." she assured caringly.

"Hey, thanks!" I said, "But why'd you carry bandages in your bag like that?"

"Oh, for Nebby,"she explained, "I-it often runs off and gets injured, I keep these in case I run out of potions."

"Clever, I suppose we all have our own little habits." I told her.

Just then Kukui came back, the Kahuna followed after him.

The Kahuna was quite tall, he immediately gave the impression of a sumo wrestler due to his long yellow coat, sandals and the white belt tied around his ample frame.

"Oh! So you must be Stephen, then!" he greeted, his voice was deep but friendly, he reached out his hand and I shook it. It felt more like I was having my arm ripped off, his strength was immense.

"I heard you just moved here from Kanto, is that right?" he asked.

"Yup." I nodded, rubbing my arm where he'd practically torn it out of its socket.

"Well, let me just say you are sure of a warm welcome, you'll soon adapt to life here in Alola!" he chuckled.

"Thanks, I believe that I will adjust very soon." I agreed.

"Anyway," the Kahuna clapped his hands and rubbed them together, "I presume Kukui led you here to receive your starter pokémon, then?"

I nodded.

"Very well! Come this way!" he turned towards a wooden stage built into the centre of the village square, he took out three pokéballs and threw them, all at once, towards the stage.

The was a blue flash as three pokémon I've never seen before landed gracefully onto the stage.

The first one was the grass type pokémon, it looked like a small brown owl with a bow tie. It looked at me and smiled as it turned its head 90 degrees.

"This," the Kahuna announced, "Is Rowlett, the grass owl pokémon. This little fella spends time gathering sunlight for energy and then attacks by firing its leaves embedded in its wings to attack!"

Rowlett chirped proudly and nodded.

The second pokémon was the fire type, it was a tiny black kitten with strands of red fur on its face and two red whiskers spouting from its face. I gave it a friendly smile and it smiled back.

"Moving on," the Kahuna said, "This is Litten, the fire cat pokémon, this feisty little one builds up fur in its stomach as it grooms itself and lights those hairballs on fire using a special oil in its fur to spit out and use as weapons!"

Litten stared curiously at me and purred.

The final pokémon was the water type, it was a little blue sea lion with a light blue fringed collar.

"Last but not least," the Kahuna informed, "This is Popplio, the sea lion pokémon! It's a bit of a show-off, but it works very hard in battle!"

Popplio nodded proudly and did a backflip. "Bwark!"

"So," the Kahuna announced, "the time has finally come for you to pick ypur partner pokemon! Think this through carefully, your partner is important!"

I slowly stepped forwards towards the three pokemon staring eagerly at me.

"Well," I spoke to myself, "fire IS my favourite starter type, and red is my favourite colour. Also I like cats, so I guess I'll take the fire type, Litten."

"Excellent choice!" the kahuna noted, as Litten leapt off the stage and slowly walked towards me.

Litten took small unsure steps, its nose constantly twitching and picking my scent.

It slowly stepped towards me, I reached out my hands for it to get my scent, Litten seemed to have enough confidence and leapt into my arms. I was not expecting it, but it was surprisingly light, so I managed to hold it up in my hands.

I gently lifted it into the air where it was still twitching its snout curiously at me to read my scent, before it decided I was a worthy trainer and mewled in delight and smiled.

"Looks like Litten finds you worthy!" the Kahuna announced.

"You two are gonna be great together, woo!" Kukui exclaimed.

"We should let you two get to know each other," the Kahuna said, "Me and Kukui have some business to attend to, so we'll leave you two here for now!

"But wait there, is that a sparkling stone you have there?" he asked.

"Oh, yeah, I found it on the trail." I lied, not wanting to make the Kahuna worry because I was wandering away on my first day here.

"Hmmm, those things are rare, but they do not really have any proper function. Unless…" the Kahuna muttered to himself.

"Tell you what, boy! If you could hand that sparkling stone to me, just for the day, and tomorrow you'll get something really special in return! What do you say?" he offered.

"Sure, I guess." I said as I handed the stone to the Kahuna.

As the Kahuna and Kukui headed away from the village, Lillie caught up with me as I was leaving the stage.

"O-oh, so you got your own p-pokemon now?" she stuttered.

"Yup" I nodded.

"I've always admired pokemon trainers, but since I'm not a proper trainer I have to make do with Nebby. It's quite a handful itself, too."

As if on cue, a questionable "Pew?" came from the neatly cut patches of grass in the square. Nebby had escaped. Again.

"Oh, you! Come back here right now!" She exclaimed.

As me, Litten and Lillie chased after Nebby, I realized that I am now a proper pokemon trainer, and that I am now responsible for the safety of my friends. Both human and pokemon.

And I'm ready to take on the challenge.

(Author's note : Sorry for the late update guys! There were some complications. But anyway, now that we've got all the introductions and starter business out of the way, we can get down to the meat of it! It's going to be one hell of a rollercoaster with twists, turns and some major and minor story edits. So be sure to bear with me and stick around for the next chapter! Also, I will be stopping the whole "To be continued" ending thing as it's just cringey as hell. If you have any ideas or comments, please inform me in the comments section. No harmful language to anyone though! This is TheLastSnowflake signing out.)

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