Lively Lillie

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The sunlight felt unfamiliar as I emerged, the soft sea breeze touched my cheek and the cry of Wingull overhead were all so soothing after the events I'd witnessed.

I looked both ways for Lillie, but I couldn't see her.

On the side of the platform was a girl. She was dressed in a short white dress and had a long blonde ponytail dangling behind her head. She clutched a pink bag on her shoulders.

She slowly walked towards me.

It took me a good minute to realize she was Lillie.


"Oh my God, Lillie, is that you?"

We ran into each other's arms, holding ourselves in an embrace.

"I was so worried about you! Mrs Wicke told me about the experiment. Apparently it can help, but I was still so worried!"

"I'm fine now." I nodded with a reassuring smile.

A look of concern approached her face.

"I picked these clothes up in Malie. Do you think they suit me?" She asked.

I smiled. "Sure do. They're perfect."

"Oh, Stephen...thank you!" She grinned.

"I feel like there's so much to do now... To save save my mother...I...I want to be like you, Stephen. I want to be strong enough to face any trial."

She stood back.

"That's why I'm going to try my hardest! This is my Z-powered form!"

With that, she pulled off the Normal type Z-move sequence. Crossing her wrists in front of her, then making a Z shape with her arms.

"Well at least you know that sequence, so that's you one step closer to being a trainer yourself!" I smiled.

We both burst out laughing.

"So this is where you were." Came a voice that I knew already was Gladion.

"Alright, cuddle time's over. I found this downstairs."

He handed me a mauve flute engraved with a crescent moon.

"It's the moon flute. It's apparently an artifact from Alola's past. They say it's to be played under the moon's light. The sun flute and the moon flute, when sounded together, it's said that they can call the legendary Pokémon...that is,if you believe in old myths, anyway."

"But why give it to us?" I asked.

"Looks to me like that woman was even planning to add the legendary Pokémon to her little collection here. We need you to summon the legendary Pokémon to find her. Here, take this with you."

He handed me a Pokéball. But it was no ordinary Pokéball. This one was engraved with a purple top and red bumps on the side. A white M was carved into the front.

It was the legendary Master ball.

"It's a Master ball, it can catch any Pokémon without fail. I'm counting on you to help Lillie. This is the least I can do."

Lillie stepped forwards.

"But...what are you going to do, Gladion?"

"Deal with this mess... I've got to clean up Aether Paradise. I'd wanted to get as far away from this place as I could, together with Null...but in the end, it looks like I ended up right back here again..."

Just then I saw Hau coming out from the building.

"Woah, Stephen! There you are! I've been so worried!"

He saw Lillie as he ran over to us.

"Hey, and it's Lillie...isn't it? Wow, what happened to you?"

Lillie nodded with a grin.

"Yes, it's me! Now I'm ready to use my full force too!"

"You look fantastic!"

Gladion stepped forwards.

"Stephen, Lillie, I can get you to the next island at least. Poni island. I'll wait for you at the docks. We need to find our mother as soon as possible."

"Of course, guess my island challenge will have to be put on hold. I'll meet you right there." I replied.

"Come on, Stephen! Let's shoot the world what we can really do!" Lillie nodded.

"And I also have Acerola's trial to complete. I'll catch you later!" Hau waved as he disappeared off into the building.

The three of us returned to the dock area where Gladion had his boat parked in the water.

"Ready to go?" He asked as we boarded.

"Aye aye, Cap'n!" I replied with a daft grin. Gladion shook his head with disapproval. "All right."

"Let's go, Stephen! No holding back!"

The boat lurched and shot out of the docks. Towards Poni, towards justice.

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