Battles, Alolan forms and yet more friends.

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After several minutes of chasing, we finally caught Nebby. I was not even out of breath from all my years of exercise and outdoors adventures in Kanto, but as far as I could tell Lillie was more used to an indoors life. When we caught Nebby her face was slightly flushed red and she was lightly gasping for breath.
"That," I mused, "is one restless piece of work."
"It always *puff* runs away *gasp* when I'm not looking." She panted.
We sat down on a patch of grass and caught our breath.
"So how long have you been looking after Nebby for?" I asked.
At that point, she suddenly looked startled and panicked.
"O-oh, um, only f-for about a couple of m-months, I guess." She stuttered.
"what's wrong?" I asked reassuringly, worried that I may have distressed her.
"O-oh, never mind." She quickly replied.

At that moment, a boy, about my age, ran over to me from the village entrance. He was around about my height, with brown eyes and long hair dyed green tied up in a mid-ponytail. He was wearing a black T-shirt, orange shorts and orange sandals.

"Hey! You're the new kid here, aren't you? You just got your starter, right? Come on! Let's have a battle! You and me! Let's go!" he said cheerily.
With that, he pulled a pokeball out of his pocket.

"Well, sure, I guess." I agreed.
"Golly, I do believe we haven't been properly introduced yet! I'm Hau, and Rowlett's my partner!" he threw the pokeball into the air which Rowlett leapt out from.

Just then the Kahuna came strolling over to us.
"Oh! Hau! So I see you've got to meet the newcomer already, huh?" he asked with a smile.
"Sure thing, gramps! And we're just about to battle as well!" Hau nodded.
"Now, now, Hau. Stephen here only just received his starter today, we should give them time to get to know each other." Hala told Hau.
"Well, I guess so. Maybe me and Rowlett need some together time too! Stephen, was it? Maybe we can battle at the festival tomorrow!"
"Sure thing! This will be my first pokemon battle in Alola too." I noted.
"All right! I'll see you tomorrow then!" he said cheerfully. With that, he walked away with his grandfather.
"I think the professor will be looking for me." Lillie told me, "S-so I guess I have to go. I-I'll see you later, Stephen."
"See you around." I parted with a wave.
. . .
Later in the day, as I was returning home, I came across a young pokemon trainer. He was only about seven, clutching a pokeball eagerly in one hand.
"Hey, mister! You wanna battle?" he asked.
"Well...I guess." I began hesitantly.
"Come on! It'll be fun!" he encouraged as he threw his pokeball into the air. There was a shower of blue sparks as a Rattata emerged from the pokeball. But this Rattata was different, normally they were purple with a beige abdomen and stood on all fours, this Rattata was black all over, had longer whiskers and stood on its hind legs while constantly sniffing at the air.
"Is that...a Rattata?" I began.
"Oh, I see. Kanto trainer huh? There are some pokemon that live here in Alola that are basically cousins of their Kanto counterparts! Rattata is usually a normal type, but here in Alola they have developed the ability to run, stand on their hind legs and the additional typing of dark!"
"Wow, that's so cool! I didn't even know that!" I gasped in awe.
"And that's not all! If you're more lucky you can get your hands on an Alolan Raichu! Or, if you are adventurous, an Alolan Marowak!" the kid continued.
"Very well, I shall see how Alolan pokemon compete against Alolan forms of Kanto pokemon!" I announced. "Go! Litten!"
I threw the pokeball into the air as Litten leapt nimbly out of the ball, mewled and licked its paw.
"All right, buddy! This is our first battle here in Alola! Let's make a good first impression!" I encouraged as Litten nodded in agreement.
"We'll let you make the first hit!" the child announced.
"Why, thank you! Litten, use scratch!" I commanded.
Litten leapt nimbly to its feet and dashed with agility towards the Rattata as it raked the opponent with razor sharp claws.
"Hang in there, Rattata! Use tackle!" the child ordered.
The Rattata got down on all fours and charged towards Litten, ramming its body into Litten with full force, which sent it flying.
"Litten! You ok?" I asked. Litten wobbled on shaky legs for a second, before standing back up and dusting itself off.
"All right, that's the spirit! Now, use ember!" I ordered.
Litten jumped into the air and started heating up its internal flame. With a spluttering cough, it spat out a small flame that knocked the Rattata off balance.
"Quick, Rattata! Use tail whip!" the child exclaimed.
The Rattata leapt to its feet and ran towards Litten. Extending out its long black tail it tripped Litten off balance and knocked it over.
"Now use quick attack!" he commanded.
"We're not going down so easily, scratch!" I thought fast and commanded.
The Rattata dashed with extremely high speed at Litten. Just when I thought Litten wasn't going to make it, Litten returned the attack with another slashing with its claws. This was enough to send the Rattata flying in a cloud of dust. When the dust cleared, the Rattata lay dazed on the ground. Its eyes turned into spirals.
"Ooft! Looks like you just wob! Congratulations, mister!" the boy exclaimed as he returned the Rattata to its pokeball.
"Thanks, that was actually my first battle too!" I noted.
"Very well, mister, good luck in your pokemon journey! And if we ever meet again, the name's Jimmy. Although I am referred to as the youngster Jimmy. But first, take this!" he passed me 500 pokedollars.
"What's this for?" I asked.
"Prize money!" he grinned, handing the wad of money to me.
"Oh, yeah, forgot about that. Thanks! I'll see you around!"
"Sure, see you around!"
As youngster Jimmy walked away, I turned to my Litten, giving it a good pet on the head.
"Aww, good boy! You did so well! And for a first battle too!" I rubbed it on its forehead as it purred and mewled in delight.
After a few minutes of petting, I returned Litten to its pokeball and continued on my way home.
. . .
When I finally got home, my mom was waiting for me in the kitchen.
"Welcome back, sweetie! How was it? What starter pokemon did you choose?" she greeted in her usual cheerful voice.
"It was great. Just had my first battle there. My fire type starter Litten is my partner and he did great out there!" I replied.
Litten leapt onto the dining table as mom reached out a hand to stroke it. It softly purred in delight.
"Aww, the little guy loves me!" mom cooed, "He and Meowth will make great friends!" she continued to pet Litten and fed it some pokemon food.
"Say, mom, there's some kind of festival tomorrow, at the village. Can we go?" I asked.
"Why, of course, darling! It'll be the perfect chance for you to meet up with new people and make new friends!" she suddenly glanced at the clock on the wall,  "But right now in Kanto it's midnight. I'm actually quite tired myself and you should go rest up and fully recover from the jetlag, ok sweetie?"
I stifled a yawn and stretched, "Ok, mom."
"That's my sweet little baby! Now come on, get some rest."
With that, she went to her room.
"Come on now, Litten, return." I told him. After it Had eaten the bowl of food I held out its pokeball where it disappeared into a ray of blue light and was absorbed into the ball.
"I should probably get some sleep myself." I muttered to myself as I stood up, stretched again, and strolled into my room.
. . .
The next day...
I had always been an early riser, even when suppressed by jetlag. By 7 AM I was up and running, I had made myself a bowl of cereal and a cup of berry tea. I had always loved berries, as a child in Kanto I would go on walks to the forests and pick berries, which I would gorge myself on for hours on end. Oran and Sitrus had always been my favorite, and I was drinking a cup of Oran-Sitrus tea this morning.
At around half 7 mom had still not gotten up yet. So I scribbled down a note on a sheet of paper, saying "off to Iki town, festival going on, find me there." And left it next to a plate of toast with Cheri jam that I made for her. After, I checked all my stuff and left the house.
I was now more familiar with the road. I made my way up the winding paths and the small rocky ledges, past groves of palm trees and berry trees. Then I saw Iki town.
The whole village was decorated in yellow. Yellow ribbons were tied elegantly onto every available surface, bouquets of yellow flowers were tied together, nearly everyone was dressed in yellow. The whole place was quite simply dazzling.
I then saw Hau, he had Rowlett on his shoulder and was running eagerly towards me.
"Morning, Stephen! There you are! You're going to play an important role in the festival today! Come along! Let my gramps explain!"
He ran off towards the town hall with Rowlett flying close behind him.
I followed Hau towards the grand wooden building, which was adorned with bouquets of yellow flowers.
He pushed open the old oak doors and I followed him inside. The interior was welcoming, with beige walls adorned with wooden ornaments depicting a legendary pokemon which resembled the one that saved me on the mahalo trail.
"I wonder who that pokemon was?" I mused to myself.
The kahuna must have overheard me because he replied. "That, young Stephen, is Tapu Koko, the guardian deity of our very island! In fact, I believe you two had a run-in on the mahalo trail! I was having a chat with it and it told me how you rushed to help another person without even hesitating. My, my, you really are kind!"
I nodded with a sheepish grin.

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