The Grand Trial

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After I emerged victorious from Verdant cavern, I returned to Iki town with Lillie.

It was from here that I was to attempt what I was told called a grand trial.

"Congratulations!" Kahuna Hala patted my back as I showed him my bright silver Z-crystal gleaming with the emblem of the normal type.

"However there is one more challenging you must overcome. At the end of every island when you complete the other trials you will face that island's Kahuna, this is called a Grand Trial. Here you must battle me to gain authority to move onto the next island's trials!" He explained.

"Wow, that DOES sound daunting." I mused. "Should we just get this out of the road and done with right here?"

"A most eager attitude! I like it! If you say so, young Stephen. We shall begin the grand trial of Melemele!" With that, he assumed a sumo battle stance, balancing himself on both legs in a bracing position.

"Come forth! Makuhita!" He flung his Pokéball and a small, yellow and stout Pokemon emerged. It's face was in a content grin and its hands were clad in boxing gloves.

"Rotom?" I asked. Without even another second Rotom leapt to life and booted up the Pokedex.

"Bzzt! Makuhita, the guts Pokemon! Makuhita was originally brought in from another region, but now they are more famous from alola!"

"Very well, let's go, Litten!" I threw Litten's Pokéball into the air, where Litten emerged gracefully and landed softly on it's feet.

Lillie gently tapped on my arm. "Good luck!" She softly whispered, "and be careful!"

I gave her a reassuring nod. "Thanks. I will."

"Stephen, as the Challenger you have the honor of the first turn!" Kahuna Hala announced.

"Why, thanks. Litten, use fire fang!" I commanded.

Upon hearing, Litten dashed forwards and brandished its fiery teeth, ablaze with it's internal flame. With a running start it rammed into Makuhita. To my surprise, however, Makuhita simply dusted itself off and stood back up, all while maintaining it's constant smile.

Just then, Rotom buzzed into life again.

"Zzt! Watch out! Makuhita has an ability that significantly reduces damage from fire and ice type moves! That means they will do almost nothing!"

"Then it's plan B, Scratch!" I commanded.

"Block it with power-up punch!" The Kahuna commanded. Makuhita thrust forward a punch that deflected Litten and send it backwards.

"Don't give up! Lick!"

Litten leapt forwards, brandishing its tongue, and struck Makuhita.

"Get in and use arm thrust!" Kahuna Hala thundered. Makuhita struck Litten five times with it's fists as it darted left and right in a flurry of blows.

Litten was sent flying backwards and struggled to get up on unsteady legs.

"You ok? Here's a berry!" I yelled, tossing forward a yellow sitrus berry towards Litten. Litten caught it in it's teeth and bit down. Instantly its energy was replenished and it stood back up in determination.

"Finish it with scratch!" I yelled again. Litten darted forwards and slashed at Makuhita with claws that seemed to be made of pure light. Makuhita didn't stand a chance, as the smoke from the impact cleared Makuhita was defeated, unconscious on the ground.

"Very well, you have defeated one of my Pokemon! One left! Go, Crabrawler!"

This time he sent out a purple Pokemon that resembled a crab. Its two front pincers were blue in the fashion of boxing gloves. One of its eyes were swollen as if it had just been in a fight.

"Bzzt! Crabrawler, the boxing Pokemon! When guarding its weak points with it's pincers, it looks for an opening and unleashes punches. Bzzt!" Rotom buzzed.

"Ok, get in and try to land a fire fang!" I commanded. Litten shot forwards and bit down with its fiery mouth. Crabrawler was pushed back.

"Use power-up punch!" Kahuna Hala yelled. Crabrawler thrust its fist straight into Litten, who was thrown back. Litten looked close to defeat.

I suddenly had an idea.

"Litten, let's finish this!" Brandishing my shiny silver Z-ring with the Normalium Z I posed into the formation that activates Z-power. Forming a cross with my wrists I then threw my arms down beside my waist before connecting them together in front of me. Then comes the bit that varies with each type. I then pointed both arms in the opposite direction of each other diagonally before bending them to form a Z shape with my arms.

"Hit 'em! Breakneck BLITZ!" I shouted. Silver beams of light shot out from my Z-ring and surrounded Litten.

Litten surrounded itself with its Z-power as energy that resembled flames engulfed it.

Litten yowled as it shot forwards, gathering more and more momentum as it slammed into Crabrawler with full force, leaving a mushroom cloud in its impact.

When the dust cleared, Crabrawler was defeated. It lay on the ground, unconscious.

"Very well, all my Pokémon are unable to battle, you are deemed winner!" Kahuna Hala congratulated. "As stated, you will be given the authority to move on to the next island: Akala!"

He reached into his pocket and produced a Z-crystal and what looked like a passport.

"And these too, are yours! The Fightinium Z and the trainer passport are yours! When you complete a grand trail the Kahuna of the island will stand it for you, proving that you have completed the trials!"

"Wow, I can really move on? Tha k you!" The thought of going to a brand new island bewildered me, Melemele was a large island, but the idea of another one to travel to just blew my mind.

"This calls for a celebration. In honor of your victory we will host a feast tonight in Iki town." Kahuna Hala announced, "I will see you then! congratulations once again!"

As the Kahuna walked off, Lillie came up to me.

"Wow, Stephen. Well done! You really passed the grand trial?" She asked timidly.

"Indeed." I nodded, "though I couldn't have done it without your support!" I grinned.

This caused Lillie to blush a little.

"Oh, um, thanks." She smiled.

On the way back, I was so excited at the fact that I was going to proceed to a new island. I couldn't wait to tell my Mom as I closed the door.

(Authors note: this is where the story starts to get dark. Unfortunately for the time being I'm going to have to cut out Akala entirely in order to make space and time for the main changes to the plot. (Cos this is where the changes come in) Also I need to finish this ASAP in time for Ultra Sun and Moon. See you in the next chapter!)

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