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As we returned home to Melemele, there was music and laughter. A huge feast was laid out in my honor, everyone was happy, and we all had a great time. Every single trial captain was there.

"Here he is! The first Pokémon League Champion from Alola! This calls for celebration, so let's all get to it!" Kahuna Hala announced.

There were cheers from all directions.

And of course, Lillie was there. The two of us spent personal time together in a more quiet area, gazing over the setting sun while catching up on what we missed.

"Stephen... congratulations on becoming the champion!" She smiled. "It's amazing, isn't it? All these people are here just to help you celebrate this achievement, Stephen."

She smiled, "everyone looks so happy...the adults...the children...even the Pokémon!"

She turned towards me with that radiant, cheerful smile of hers.

"It...it hasn't all been easy...but I'm really glad that I came to Alola! Getting to meet you, Stephen...no...it wasn't just meeting you, it was traveling together with you. I'm so glad I got to be a part of that journey!"

I smiled. "I'm so glad I got to be part of yours too. It wouldn't be the same without you, Lillie. You really have grown, it's like I'm seeing a whole new person altogether!" I replied.

"You've...You've meant so much to me this whole time...I don't know what I would've done without you...Stephen..." She grinned.

"You know, Stephen, there are times where I can't help but feel that I..." She began, but couldn't seem to get the words out.

"Yes?" I continued.

"I've felt that I...love you..." She blushed.

It took me a moment to comprehend this information.

I was going to respond, but I didn't have time to. Because as soon as she said that, she gently tugged on my shoulders, bringing me forward, and held my face in her soft, delicate hands. It was then that she pressed her lips against mine and kissed me passionately. I returned the kiss soon after coming to my senses and wrapped my arms around her, knowing that I had found true love. It was our first proper kiss since Exeggutor island.

And behind us, a huge array of fireworks shot off into the sky and exploded in a flash of colours. There was cheering all around us.

But they weren't for the fireworks.

As we slowly broke off from each other, I saw in the multicolored light that there was a crowd of people near us.

And among the front was my mom.

She smiled and shook her head. "Aww, look at my little Stephen, already getting naughty with a girlfriend. That's my boy!" She laughed.

Lillie blushed bright red and buried her face in my chest. I gently held her in a hug and rubbed her back, comforting her, as I smiled with bewilderment.

. . .

After that moment, we sat down by the border of the village and watched the fireworks.

She suddenly hesitated.

"Hey, Stephen. It looks like the party is going to keep on going strong for some time still, wouldn't you say?" She asked.

I nodded, "Doesn't look like it's going to die down anytime soon."

"Do you think...maybe...we could sneak out for a second and visit teh Ruins of Conflict? I heard from Kahuna Hala that the bridge has been fixed." She asked.

"Sure!" I replied.

She smiled, "I think Tapu Koko must be waiting...I'm sure it's waiting for you to come to it, Stephen...now that you finished your island challenge."

With that, we silently snuck off to the Mahalo trail.

. . .

At the bridge, which was now fixed and boarded with more strudy-looking-looking wood, Lillie stopped.

"Now this really takes me back...back then I could barely think about anything. I was so desperate...but thinking back on it now...it really was Solgaleo, no, I mean it really was Nebby who brought the two of us together, wasn't it, Stephen?"

I smiled and nodded. "It really was."

"Corm on! Let's go!" She smiled, pumped her arms in front of her, and headed off towards the bridge.

At the end of the bridge, she stopped and marveled at it.

"The Ruins of Conflict...I still wonder why it is that Tapu Koko helped us that day...was it because of some connection to Solgaleo...the Legendary Pokémon of the Alola region?"

"Can't really think of any other reason." I replied.

The Ruins were surprisingly well kept, there was a thin layer of ivy covering the carved stone walls and there were what appeared to be tree trunks growing along the walls.

"This reminds me of when Hapu became the Kahuna of Poni island...My heart is pounding in my chest, is it because of the sacred guardian? Is Tapu Koko here with us?"

"I sense a presence too, it has to be him." I replied.

We proceeded to a chamber with a shrine. Wooden steps led to a monument surrounded by four obelisks, huge palm leaves adorned a stone idol painted with a fierce face of the deity.

"Great Tapu Koko... It was because of your help what Cosmog lived and was able to become Solgaleo. Please allow me to thank you on its behalf. Thank you so very, very much!"

She turned towards me. "It's your turn next, Stephen. I want to see you show your appreciation in the way that only Alola's champion could! I know you can do this, Stephen. I'll make sure your team is ready, too."

She smiled and pulled some full restores it off her bag and quickly healed my whole team.

I stepped up to the altar and placed my hand on the statue.

"Great Tapu Koko-" I began.

Suddenly I was cut short as I felt a booming voice ring out through my head, but it seemed to be coming from my Z-ring.


Suddenly Tapu Koko appeared in front of me and unleashed a battle cry.

The guardian of Melemele, one of the four sacred deities that protect Alola, and the one who saved me at the very start of my adventure.

I was going to have one very sticky battle on my hands.

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