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The mighty Lion roared and the air around me seared with energy as I sent out Incineroar.

• • •

"Alright, buddy." I whispered to Incineroar, "Let's take this gently, okay? We don't want to hurt Nebby."

Incineroar nodded.

"Start it up, Cross Chop!"

Incineroar shot forwards and struck Solgaleo sharply with crossed arms. I winced as Solgaleo doubled back as my Incineroar had now grown monstrously strong, with an attack that was unreal.

Solgaleo focused its energy as it lit up its mane and leapt into the air. As it hovered midair it charged up energy and formed a huge fireball big enough to be a small sun, bathing itself in the centre. Solgaleo then absorbed the fire and came crashing down, leaving a blazing trail of light as it slammed with full force into Incineroar in its signature move, Sunsteel Strike.

Despite the fact that Incineroar was part fire and resisted the steel-type move, it still did a lot of damage.

"We'll hit it with our signature too! Darkest Lariat!"

Incineroar tensed its arms as it hunched itself over while compressing dark energy, diverting all of it to its arms. Without warning it leapt forward while spinning and struck Solgaleo across the head multiple times, leaving black embers in its wake.

Solgaleo stood no chance, it collapsed onto its forelegs and struggled to get up.

"Now's my chance!" I yelled as I threw an Ultra Ball at Solgaleo.

Solgaleo's body was turned into a ribbon of blue light as it was transformed into electrical and genetic information. It was sucked into the ball, which instantly snapped shut afterwards in a shower of sparks.

The ball fell to the ground.

It trembled once.

I watched in nervous anticipation.


Lillie watched nervously from the side.

Another tiny little shake.

It was deathly still for a moment.

It exploded.

Solgaleo re-emerged as it attempted to stand back up. I was taking no more risks and threw another Ultra Ball.

It shook once. Twice. Three times.


I had just caught Solgaleo.

The legendary Pokémon of the Sunne.

It was now mine to take care of.

× × ×

As I picked up the Ultra Ball, I was about to hand it to Lillie when she smiled and shook her head.

"Remember, Stephen. Nebby is yours to keep and take care of now!"

She turned towards the horizon.

", Nebby..." She began, "you belong to Stephen now. He will be the one to raise you. Just like any parent should raise their child. He will be your father now. I may have not been able to do anything for you, Nebby...but I'm still glad I took you that day. So go with Stephen and see the world! Have battles against strong Pokémon where you can use your full power, meet other trainers who will make your heart dance with the thrill of it all, that's the kind of world that Stephen can share with you!"

She turned back to me and smiled one of those charming, adorable smiles that captivated me so easily.

"If it's you, Stephen...I know I can trust you to raise my Nebby well. Take good care of it!"

She returned to a more stern expression.

"And I...will go to my mother. I need to see for myself that she'll be all right."

After she healed Solgaleo for me, she petted it on the forehead one last time.

"Nebby, don't always be trying to get out of your Pokéball the way you always wriggled out of my bag! And...and don't forget that you're strong now, you'll have to be careful not to accidently hurt anyone until you get used to your strength! And...and you can't just go running off to some other world without telling anyone! You'll make Stephen worry!"

I smiled. Motherly instincts, perhaps.

She turned away again.

"Ok...I'm really...I'm really going this time."

She smiled.


With that, she turned and proceeded down the steps.

After she left, I took a few minutes just to sit down by myself and observe the silence.

The distant cry of Pokémon and the gentle breeze suddenly seemed so soothing after the ordeal I had just faced.

I released Solgaleo from its ball.

"Don't know about you, buddy. But I feel like we're gonna be rather busy for the next few days." I smiled.

Suddenly a deep, gravelly, rumbling voice tore through my head, it seemed to only appear in my mind.

"It would appear to be that, master."

I gasped and frantically looked around me, there was nobody except for Solgaleo.

"Wh-what...? Who...?" I began.

Solgaleo pawed the ground. "Yes, I am telepathically communicating with you, master."

"You can speak?"

"To an extent."

A large grin spread across my face.

"And that's not all," he continued, "being exposed to a vast volume of Pokémon DNA has granted you the ability to communicate with any Pokémon, I myself am already capable of telepathically communicating with others, but now you can understand Pokémon speech and they can understand you!"

"Well," I was overwhelmed with joy, "let's get going then, I can't wait to get started!"

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