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It hurts...

It hurt-

Wait, what?

Where am I?

I slowly push myself up. I'm lying on a bed. Crisp white sheets, a fat pillow resting on the end.

Walls are all silver and white. I'm in some sort of guest lodge.

I realized I had nothing on save for a pair of white underwear.

There was a mirror at one if the walls, I padded over barefoot and checked myself.

My entire body, from my chest to my arms and back, was dotted with scars.

Round, circular scars.

Almost like tubes had been attached and then disbanded.

It was no dream after all.

That was real.

I checked the scars and counted them. Eighteen.

Eighteen scars.


Eighteen types.

I shook my head at the crazy thought, dismissing it instantly.

My clothes were folded neatly on the end of the bed. I grabbed them and hastily pulled them on. Only just realizing that they'd been washed as it smelt like sandalwood.

My Pokemon, thank the heavens, were still in their balls, inside my bag.

I slowly padded across the room towards the door, bag slung over one shoulder.

My head hurt, my entire body hurt. Sharp stabs of pain throbbed behind my eyes. There was still a dull prickling sensation, like a vaccination, at the scars.

The door opened automatically. I peered cautiously left and right before exiting. The corridor lead to the lab area we busted into earlier.

Was it earlier? It felt like forever ago.

I followed the corridor, hoping to find a way out.

At the end of the corridor stood a person.

As I got closer, I realized it was a woman.

She looked about thirty. Puffy purple hair, glasses and a white lab coat.

She saw me approach her and smiled.

"Ah, you must be young master Stephen. Come this way."

I froze. Could this be another trick devised by Lusamine and her minions?

"No need to be nervous," she coaxed almost as if talking to a Pokémon, "it's ok, come with me."

I reluctantly followed her as she lead me to an office at the very end of the corridor.

There was a desk and two small chairs, diplomas and other awards were placed in frames on the walls.

"Sit down right here." She said.

"Now, you must be very confused about what's going on. Let me introduce myself. My name is Wicke. I am a vice president here."

She poured me a mug of berry tea from a tea table behind her. I gratefully gulped it down. My throat was dry and sore. It's been so long since I last ate anything.

"You must be suffering trauma about being involved in an experiment, do you?"

I nodded.

"Believe it or not, the experiment was for a good cause. Madame Lusamine has teleported herself into Ultra Space, and in order to find her again and bring her back, you had to undergo some...upgrades."

She adjusted her glasses.

"You may have noticed the scars on your body, eighteen, if you had counted. Eighteen scars for the eighteen Pokémon types."

I gasped. Could it have been true?

"You have suffered greatly, but it was worth it. See, we have successfully implanted the DNA of every type within your system. Not only does this enhance your survivability in environments only Pokémon can survive, but..."

She stood up.

"I think you'll quite like this next bit."

She left me into another teleporter behind a bookshelf. This time we were in some sort of firing range. There were targets at the far end of a long hall.

"Shake your hand and thrust it forwards." She told me.

I did so.

A smile exploded onto my face as I saw a ribbon of flame shoot out from my hand. It was a Pokémon move. Flamethrower.

I stood in awe. My hands were unscathed.

"Now try something else, thrust both your arms forwards at once."

This time a powerful gust of water appeared out of nowhere and blasted the target. Hydro pump.

"Something else. Imagine you're holding a sword, focus on that sword and convert your energy to it."

Holding it both my hands in front of me as if assuming a battle stance, I could only gaze with an open mouth as I saw a sword materialize in my hands. It radiated with light and power, and felt strong in my hands.

"That is the move Sacred Sword. It can only be used by a group of legendary Pokémon who are found in a region called Unova. We had gathered some DNA residue from our scientists when they were in an expedition in Unova. We thought it'd be nice for you to have it."

"Th-th-thank you!" I finally found my voice.

"Now come along. The young mistress Lillie is waiting for you on the top floor. It's time you two embarked on a mission to rescue the president."

She led me back through her office and through the building, and to the top of building. Into the blinding sunlight of the morning.

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