Ultra Space

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(author's note: before we start, I must say thank you for bearing with me after this chapter was unintentionally lost, and for all you support during the re-writing. I appreciate that this chapter is a bit long, and the climatic music begins later on, so if you don't fancy scrolling back to catch up with the music then you can play the music separately for the enhanced experience. That said, let's begin! Ultra Space, take 2!)

After the odd trial with Totem Kommo-o, I proceeded towards the Altar with Lillie.

There was a huge clearing with a humongous set of stone steps leading up to the intimidating Altar of the Sunne itself.

Hapu stood there with her Mudsdale.

"Ah, there you are. Ready to climb the altar?"

"Sure am." I agreed.

"You know, parents are people too, then again, so are their children. They should both be able to tell one another how they feel. So go there and show 'em what you've got!"

"She's right! Let's go, Stephen!" Lillie agreed.

And so, we embarked on the long climb to the Altar.

. . .

At the top of the Altar stood two twin stone pillars connected to the main tower, engraved with a large sun, two streams of water ran around raised platforms at the end of each tower and fed the main body itself, almost like veins.

While we waited for the sun to ride, I noticed a manuscript carved into the main pillar. It depicted the song we were to play to awaken the Legendary Pokémon, I taught it to Lillie.

Finally, the sun rose. None of us felt sleepless given the excitement of what was about to happen.

I nodded to her as a signal to start, she nodded back.

We played in unison.

The deep Alto of the Sun flute wrapped itself around the playful treble of the Moon flute.

The last notes of the song echoed and died out.

Suddenly the water surrounding us began to glow. It ran along the carved streams and lit up the main tower. The engraving of the sun opened to reveal a large shrine-like object resembling a sun, coated in gold leaf.

A rainbow coloured beam gathered at the centre of the sun and fired itself down into the centre of the central platform, where it gathered and formed a multi coloured force field.

Suddenly, Lillie's bag flew into the air by itself. Nebby-who had been a lifeless rock this whole time since the incident at Aether-flew out of it and placed itself down in the centre of the force field.

It gathered light.

Its body started glowing bright orange.

Its outer shell shattered in a dazzling blast of light shaped like the fiery sun as a completely different Pokémon emerged.

A huge silver lion with a strong, muscular body, a huge mane brandishing from its face, and a cosmic blue forehead appeared.

It roared as it landed on the ground.

It was none other than the Legendary Pokémon, the devourer of the sun, the beast that feeds on the heavens.

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