The final challenge

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The battle began.

I started the battle with Incineroar, who stood a better chance against it.

"Flare Blitz!" I commanded.

Incineroar spewed out flame from its belt and coated itself in fire before crashing into Tapu Koko.

The guardian deity recoiled and was sent back. Getting back up, it let loose a blast of sparkling power infused with compressed insanity. This was it's signature move, Nature's Madness.  It was fixed to do half a Pokémon's HP per hit, so Incineroar took the attack like it was nothing.

"Darkest Lariat!"

Incineroar dashed forwards and whacked it full force with dark energy.

Tapu Koko, resistant to the move, brushed it off like it was nothing and used thunderbolt, generating a huge level of electricity in its body it unleased it all in a sharp bolt of lightning.

Incineroar was paralyzed.

It tried its best to clear itself of paralysis, but it just couldn't move.

"You did great, have a rest, buddy!" I returned Incineroar to its Pokéball. I couldn't risk any damage.

"Go! Salazzle!" I sent out the Toxic Lizard Pokémon. She landed gracefully onto the ground and hissed in an intimidating way.

Tapu Koko seized this opportunity and launched another thunderbolt.

"Did it and use Sludge Bomb!" I commanded.

Salazzle nimbly shot out of the way as fast as the eye could see. It then hurled up a huge ball of venom and shot it at Tapu Koko.

Being weak to the Poison-type move, it nearly fainted.

"That's my cue!" I hurled an Ultra Ball.

Tapu Koko was encapsulated.

The ball fell to the ground.




An orange explosion. It escaped.

In a last resort, Tapu Koko fruitlessly fired another thunderbolt, which Salazzle effortlessly dodged.

This time I threw another Ultra Ball.





Another tiny shake.


I had just caught Tapu Koko, quite badly bruised and poisoned, but alive.

The guardian of Melemele wd now mine to take care of.

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