Inflitrating Aether Paradise

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It was a good half hour before I woke up, my entire body hurt, my face was number and stiff. I could still feel the bleeding skin where the taser had pierced my face.

I felt someone shaking me.

"Stephen! Goodness's sake, wake up!"

It was Hau.

I groggily levered myself up with my elbow, wincing as I felt cramp in abdomen.

Hau looked sad and angry.

"Lillie's gone! Some group of thugs came and kidnapped her! I came here as fast as I could! Acerola and her cousins have evacuated this place already!"

"It's team skull." I rasped, my throat hurt, I pulled out a bottle of water from my bag and swallowed half of it, then splashed the other half onto my face.

"They said they were looking for some rare Pokémon." I told Hau.

Just then, the door burst open again, I frantically clutched a Pokéball around my hands in case it was team skull again.

But it wasn't.

A boy, dressed entirely in emo black ripped clothes. Messy blond hair stuck out everywhere from his head and he had at least three piercings on one ear. He looked about 13 or 14.

"What happened here? Where is she?!" He demanded.

"Who are you?" I started.

"You let them take her, didn't you?! You just let them kidnap her?!" He screamed.

"Who are you?" I repeated again. "What are you talking about?!"

He realized he didn't even introduce himself and calmed down.

"Name's Gladion, I'm an enforcer in team skull. I remember seeing you at the festival in Melemele."

I paused.

" were that mysterious figure I saw at the festival?"

He nodded. "I've been following you around a lot quite recently, seeing if you're worthy of being her friend..."

Upon mentioning this, he suddenly became angered again.

"And now she's gone, all because of you!"

"Are you talking about...Lillie?" I suggested.

He stopped.


"Look, we have to work together, even though you're team skull, we still need all the help we can get to rescue her." I reasoned.

"Y-you're right." He muttered.

"We need to get to Aether Paradise ASAP!" I exclaimed.

Pulling out my ride pager, I summoned Charizard.

"Problem is, I've only got one Charizard and he can only carry a load of one person."

"That's no problem." Gladion replied, "I have a boat that can take me and your friend here to Aether, meet you there as soon as we can."

He paused.

"And if do find her, for heaven's sake keep her safe!"

I nodded. "I will."

"Rotom," I pulled it out of my bag, "Send the professor a message that we might be a bit late taking care of business."

"Bzt! Roger that!" Rotom hummed and sent a video message to Kukui.

I pushed the door open and Rotom returned to my bag.

"Lillie," I reassured to the Alolan moon shining down on me. "Hang in there, I'm coming."

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