Poni island

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Poni island was a lot less populated than the other islands, the port itself was a village at sea. A Pokémon centre, a couple of boats that doubled as restaurants or houses and a gazebo all held together with huge long wooden planks.

"This," Gladion announced as we stepped off his boat, "is Poni island. Almost no one lives on it but you'll find a whole lot of nature to explore here."

He pressed a Max potion into my hands. "Go. Find the Kahuna, the Kahuna of Poni island also protects the shrine where Alola's people worship the legendary Pokémon. Maybe they will know something that might help you."

Lillie stepped forwards.

"Gladion, thank you for this..."

She hesitated.

"But...but when you took Null and left Aether Paradise two years ago...you left me alone with mother! She was so bad after you left! If I hadn't had Wicke with me..."

Gladion buried his face in his hands.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't there for you when you needed me. All I could think about back then was finding a way to save Null. That was the battle I was fighting."

He placed a hand on her shoulder and gave a rare smile.

"But now you've found your own battle to fight. I know you can handle it."

With that, he returned to his boat and we watched as it started up and disappeared.

Lillie turned towards me.

"Stephen. I'm ok, you don't have to worry. I know what I have to do now."

She closed her eyes.

"And...I don't know. Maybe it sounds strange, but...I'm kind of excited!"

"That's a good thing. Don't worry." I smiled as we set off.

Halfway out of the village we were stopped by a voice coming from the roof of one of the boats.

"Nice to see around here!"

We stopped.

It was a man in his fifties with dark blue hair and a beard, he was dressed in a navy jacket and brown shorts. A Peliper hovered around his shoulder.

"I-I'm sorry, who are you?" Lillie asked.

"Me? I'm the chief of the Seafolk. It's my job to keep everybody together. We Seafolk have spent years navigating the seas and searching out new wonders. When we find rare things, we bring 'em here to Alola to trade."

"Well, we were looking for the Kahuna of this island. Would you happen to know where they are?" I asked.

"The Kahuna here lives round about on the wilds." He pointed towards a dirt path leading away from Seafolk village. "Her house is the only one still standing on Poni, where else would you go, eh? Fllow the dirt path and you can't miss her house thanks yo that huge Mudsdale of hers. You'll find her soon enough!"

We thanked him and waved goodbye.

Thus began our long journey to find Lusamine again.

. . .

The Kahuna lived on ancient Poni path, a valley of ruins situated on central Poni. After braving the wilds and the trainers challenging me, we arrived at the ruins.

There was a lone Mudsdale standing outside in the yard of a house. It saw us, turned around and let out a neigh of greeting.

Lillie smiled. "Good to see you too, Mudsdale."

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