The Dragon Trial

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After that tender moment at Exeggutor island, we returned back to Seafolk village, where Hapu was waiting for us.

"You got the Sun Flute? Good! Then it's off to the Altar we go!"

Hapu saw us off to Vast Poni Canyon. We did not speak of that moment in Exeggutor island again.

The Altar lay at the very end of Last Poni Canyon, the journey was long and hard, but Lillie's lively spirit and her adorable smile got me through the hardships easily.

But the real trouble began when I began a trial without even knowing it.

. . .

"What's this?" I asked myself as I studied a strange stone slab dug into the ground. Faint letters read "Ahead lies a sacred ground of trials. None who do not take part in its trials will be allowed to walk upon this Earth. Those lacking the courage to defeat the Totem guarding this land will be denied entry. But those who believe in their Pokémon and walk beside them shall gain great power!" and said no more.

"I've a bad feeling about this." Lillie whispered. The place was deathly quiet, there was not a sound save for the occasional sqwak of Braviary and Mandibuzz.

"Stay here. It might be some kind of trap." I replied, "I'll scout ahead. See if there is anything dodgy. If there is, me and my team can handle it."

I slowly crept into the cave, it was more like a canyon than a cave as it was actually two cliffs pressed dangerously close together.

All the while I had the horrible feeling someone-or something-was watching me.

There was a screech as a Pokémon ambushed me and pounced from above.

I frantically pulled out Greninja's Pokéball, perhaps out of instinct because I had grown so close to him, and sent him out.

The Pokémon-confirmed by Rotom to be a pure Dragon type-was called Jangmo-o, it stood on four legs and had crests of golden scales on its head.

Despite the surprise attack, we had the upper hand and won.

As I proceeded through, I had an even worse instinct that it was far from over.

My worries were confirmed as another Pokémon leapt out from behind a stalagmite.

This time it was a Hakamo-o, the evolved form of Jangmo-o, it gained an additional Fighting type. It stood on its hindlegs and had more scales on its arms.

Again, we won with ease.

I was almost at the end of the cave now, I could see a pedestal with a Z-crystal glistening on it. I made for it, about to call to Lillie saying it was safe.

I froze.

I could feel a pair of eyes from somewhere glaring at me.

But where?

I took another step.

The gaze grew more intense, I could almost feel it burning into me.

Where was it coming from?

Another step, the pedestal was in reach now.

I could feel the most tearing leer imaginable shredding at me.

One last step.

I reached out.

My fingers closed around it.

I retracted my arm, about to make a break for it.


I nearly jumped out of my skin as an intimidating roar tore through me, I somehow managed to return the Z-crystal in my effort to jump back to avoid whatever bloodthirsty nightmare was about to tear me apart.

The ground shook as a huge Pokémon leapt down from the sky.

A monstrously tall bipedal dragon, no doubt the final evolution of Jangmo-o, scales clinked on its head, arms and tail like armour. It shot an intimidating glance at me, and I sent out Greninja.

Rotom confirmed it for me, this was Kommo-o, Dragon/Fighting. Its stats were now boosted with its aura.

"Let's go for it, Greninja! Aerial Ace!"

Greninja dashed forward, almost too fast for the eye to see, and emerged high up behind totem Kommo-o with a pair of razor sharp wings made of water and cut them into Kommo-o.

Kommo-o roared and jiggled its arms in using its signature move: Clanging Scales. It rubs its scales together to create a tremor through the air, sometimes to intimidate opponents, sometimes to inflict damage. And that's what it did now.

Greninja was sent back by the force of the attack that we couldn't even see. Through sheer determination it got back up, ready to fight.

"That's the spirit! Extrasensory!"

Greninja unleased a blast of Psychic energy and sent Kommo-o backwards.

Kommo-o tensed its arms and shot forwards a powerful Sky Uppercut. Greninja tried to dodge, but it was too late. The attack sent Greninja flying and it collapsed, fainted.

I wasn't going to give up. Pulling out Incineroar's Pokéball, I released it into battle. I knew I was at an immediate disadvantage, but I had no other choice. My Salazzle was simply too weak to take it on, and my Toucannon would stand no chance.

"We've only got one shot at this, hit it with Cross Chop!"

Brandishing its arms like knives, Incineroar pressed its arms into an X shape and delivered a double chop to Kommo-o.

Incineroar's attack was strong. I could sense that it was weak.

"Finish this! Let's hit it with our Z-move!" I commanded as I inserted the Incinium Z into my bracelet. This was a special Z-crystal designed especially for Incineroar, as it will turn Darkest Lariat into a Z-move. I knew it would resist, but I channeled all my energy into the attack to deliver a knockout blow.

Swiping my arms into the Z-power activation posture, I dropped my entire upper body ninety degrees and the brought it up in an intimidating roar-like pose. Incineroar cloaked itself in the Z-power, an evil grin on its face.

Incineroar let out a mighty roar, and a wrestling ring made of fire burst out of the ground leaving Kommo-o in the centre, it ran forwards and leaped onto one of the poles in the corner and gathered fire and dark energy into its alight belt.

"NOW!" I yelled, shooting my arms into the air.

Incineroar shot into the air where it performed a 450° turn in midair and cloaked itself in fire before crashing down and destroying the ring-and crushing Kommo-o-in the impact.

Totem Kommo-o fainted.

We had won.

I returned Incineroar back to its Pokéball and, with a sarcastic smirk, plucked the Dragonium Z out of its pedestal.

Just then, I heard footsteps behind me.

It was Lillie.

She had seen it all.

She stood there, a hand clasped over her mouth in shock and admiration.

"Yeah." I nodded, "that really happened. Let's get going."

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