Chapter two.

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"Good morning campers!" David said cheerfully as the campers groaned in response.
"Why the fuck did you wake us up so early?" Max asked in an annoyed tone.
"Because, I want you to see who's back!" David said as he pulled over Daniel.
Almost instantly the kids started shouting at David.
Daniel looked over at David, he still smiled but it was quickly fading. He looked hurt.
"W-well! You guys can go get your breakfast from the mess hall now!" David said before running to his cabin. Daniel followed before the campers decided to attack him.
"David, are you alright?" Daniel asked as he looked at David, who was sitting on his bed.
David looked over at him, his reddish brown hair falling in front of his face.
"Yeah, I'm fine." He said with a sigh. "the kids can just be, overwhelming at times." He said with a slight chuckle.
Daniel sat down next to the redhead, wrapping an arm around him. "Well, I must say you are very good with the kids, I bet it isn't easy dealing with them everyday." Daniel said as he looked at David.
"It's not always easy, but it's always fun to try and make sure everyone is having fun!" David said with a small smile.
David then got up as he heard shuffling outside.
He opened the door, greeted by a paint filled water ballon to the face.
Almost immediately after David shut the door. "Daniel, go to tiny desk and open the second drawer down to the left. Get me a towel please." David said as he couldn't see. Daniel did as told and brought the towel to David.
"Thank you." David said before wiping off the paint on his face.
A few minutes later he cleaned off his entire face. "Would you like something to eat?" David asked Daniel, looking over at him.
Daniel only nodded.
David then grabbed his arm and brought him to the mess hall kitchen.
Daniel sat near the fridge while David made breakfast.
Once he was finished he had three plates. One for himself, one for Gwen, and one for Daniel.
It was toast, eggs, some coffee, and an orange. Daniel went to a table to eat, while David went to wake up Gwen.
David got back after bringing Gwen her breakfast and waking her up.
He sat down next to Daniel and started to eat his breakfast, a bowl of fruit and some toast.
Max, Nikki, and Neil sat at the dock.
"Okay, we need to think of a plan to get Daniel out of the camp." Max said as he looked at his two friends.
"I don't know Max, I already know something bad will happen." Neil said as he looked at Max.
"Well, maybe we can go get those weird little scary creatures from spooky island! And then dump them on Daniel or something like that!" Nikki said with an evil giggle.
"Yeah.. that's perfect Nikki!" Max said as he looked over at the girl.
"Well lets go now so we won't see..that..again.." Max said as he remembered the one thing that actually terrified him.
"Alright!" Nikki got up, grabbing the two boys by the arm and ran to a boat.

(Sorry that it's so short! I can't think of anything else for the chapter!)

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