Sad News.

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Hey, it's me, I'm sorry to come here being the bearer of bad news, but I will most likely be discontinuing this story. I have no longer been finding this fun to write and for a long time I had been stressing myself out to get chapters out for you that you would like when originally I was writing it for fun. Maybe one day I will continue this but I want you all to understand that it is not my job to do so. I am a person I have my own needs and life and I write these for free for you guys to enjoy. I apologize if I've disappointed you guys. I may come back to this one day if I'm ever motivated or get back into the fandom or ship. I'm really sorry.

Forgot to add, I may eventually update my other danvid fic, since I do find that fun, I'm not sure, if I remember correctly it's called demon with a halo but keep in mind I'm not 100% sure I'm gonna update it.

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