Chapter 27.

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Jasper ran through the camp grounds, giggling as Jen chased him around.
He barely payed attention to what was in front of him.
He suddenly ran into someone, stumbling back and nearly tripping over his own feet. Jen stopped and hurt her ankle as she slid to a stop so she wouldn't hit Jasper.
Jasper looked up at what he ran into and his confused expression turned into an angry one.

There stood Cameron Campbell, looking Jen up and down as she glared right at him.

He then noticed Jasper standing in front of Jen.

"What the hell?" He muttered before lifting Jasper up off of the ground.

"How in the world are you alive?" He asked, looking over Jasper before Jen snatched the child from Cameron's grasp.

"That's none of your concern, now don't touch my kid again." Jen said growling.

She turned on her heel and walked back off towards Daniel and David, Cameron following.

David was trying to get his shoe away from Todd, who actually took it off David's foot and began running around with it, and he couldn't ask Daniel for help, since Daniel had disappeared.
Well now David was chasing his fox, one shoe on, one shoe in Todd's mouth. Gwen watched from a short distance, laughing.
As Todd turned to run in the opposite direction of the crazed owner of the camp, that nearly grabbed the Poor fox by the tail, but this gave David the opportunity to grab the fox, and his shoe.
He noticed the older man standing in front of him, and without thinking, he hit him across the face with his shoe.
Cameron grabbed the shoe immediately after, and pretty much through it half way across the camp, hitting Dolf in the back of the head, and Ered ran over to the small boy to see if he was okay.

"Davey, that wasn't necessary." Cameron said, crossing his arms.

"Throwing my shoe wasn't necessary, and don't call me Davey." David said, hugging his fluffy fox close.

"I will call you what I want, and don't tell me what to do." Cameron said with a glare, throwing an envelope at David before giving Gwen one as well. And after a quick walk around the camp area, he left.

David opened the envelope and what did he find?

Only a single dollar.

Yeah, so much for a good paycheck.

He shoved the dollar in his pocket, along with the envelope.

Daniel then pulled into the Camp, hiding something in his pocket before walking to David's cabin.

The day continued to go on normally, except Daniel was going back and forth from the camp to other places for reasons unknown to David.
He didn't question it though.

Soon enough the sun began to set and David headed off to bed shortly after the campers had.

Daniel was already laying on the bed, his shirt and pants thrown to the floor.
David grabbed his own clothes and got changed into them, before lying down next to Daniel.
Daniel turned and pulled David into a tight hug, pulling him close, and basically shoved David's face into his chest. David tried to get away and get a bit more comfortable but sadly, he was stuck in another hug trap. He squirmed around as he tried to set himself free, Daniel chuckling before he let go and gave David a small kiss on the forehead.

"I love you, Davey." Daniel said, smiling at the redhead.

"I love you too, Daniel." David said with a yawn.

Todd squeezed in between the two, wanting to sleep with them instead of on his own bed, and David didn't mind. And Daniel wasn't going to kick the fox off the bed.
So he could stay and cuddle with them.

By the time morning came and David had to get up, Daniel was already awake, and waited for the exact time David usually got up to get him up.

He placed small kisses all over his face before grabbing Todd and letting the fox lick David's face, which woke David up.

"I'm up, I'm up.. Todd.. stop licking my face.." David said, yawning.

Daniel gathered his clothes and went to go change, but remembered something.

"David, don't forget to take your meds." Daniel said before he walked off.

David opened the drawer that he always put his meds in, but something caught his eye.

A black box wrapped in a white ribbon.

He took the box out and untied the ribbon, causing a note to fall off the box.

He took the note and unfolded it.

On the letter, it read;

'My dearest David,

In this box There is a promise ring. By giving you this ring, I will not only promise to love you, but I will promise you so much more. I will promise to be as good as a parent I can be for Max. I promise not to hurt you ever again. I promise to care for you and protect you. I can promise you so much more. But if I break any of these promises, feel free to kick me in the balls and throw this ring away. Oh! And most importantly;
I promise,
I will love you forever and always.

Love Daniel'

David opened the box, taking out the ring, and slipped it onto his ring finger, a small smile on his face. He hoped Daniel would keep all of his promises.

(Ahhhhhhhhh so I hope you like this Chapter, and I hope you guys all liked the camp camp Christmas special, and I know I sure did :> )

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