Chapter 26.

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As the day slowly went by, Daniel's smile slowly began to fade as David often came and hugged him, with that wide, happy smile that seemed to be permanently drawn onto his face. It almost seemed fake. But, Daniel just acted along as if it wasn't.

Halfway through the day, a car pulled into the camp, and out of the car stepped out a woman with long, curly black hair, looking to be around 30 years old, if not a little bit older. David looked at her, before approaching her.

"Uh, Hello miss! Welcome to Camp Campbell! Did you need something?" He asked, smiling.

"Uh, yes, i would like to have my son, so I can get him home, so where is he?" She asked, looking David up and down as David just smiled.

"Oh, well who is your kid?" David asked.

"Maxwell." She said simply.

David's smile instantly turned into a frown.

"O-oh! Well, let me go get him! I'll.. I'll be right back!" He said before running to his cabin and kicking the door down, startling Daniel.

The blonde looked up from his book. No, not the black magic book, but instead the book of scary stories David had given him. Max laid next to him, hugging the kitten as Todd cuddled him.

"David, are you okay?" Daniel asked, looking at the red head.

"No! Max's mother is here, and I don't know what to do!" David shouted, seemingly in a panic.

Max instantly shot up, being awoken by David screaming. "WHAT!?" Max screamed, looking at David.

"Your mother is Here!" David repeated himself. "And I don't know what to do!"

Max stared at him for a minute before speaking.

"I am NOT going back home with that woman!" Max said, now panicked as well.

Daniel sighed and got up. "Why don't I just go talk to her, and explain that she's not getting her child back because she is a shitty parent?" Daniel suggested. "Or we can go, bring Max to her, and he can go to the hell house." Daniel said, crossing his arms.

"Well of course we're going for the first option Daniel!" David sighed. "Max just stay here, we'll be right back." He said before walking out with Daniel.

Max's mother stood in the same spot, glaring at Sarah and Gwen who were only talking to each other.

Daniel walked over to her. "Hello, I'm Daniel, this is David, and what is your name?" He asked.

"My name is Sarah." She said simply. "Now, where is my son?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"Well, I am sorry, Sarah number 2, but you can't have him, you're too bad to be a good mother." Daniel said simply.

Sarah number 2 raised a brow. "Excuse me? He is MY son." She said with a low growl. "MAXWELL GET YOUR ASS HERE NOW!" She shouted.

After a few minutes Max walked out, walking behind David and clinging to him for protection. His mother grabbed him by the wrist, roughly pulling him towards her before she started to walk to her car, as Max tried to get away, lifting him off the ground by the arm and roughly pulling him over.

"Mom let go! I'm not going with you!" Max shouted and started to hit his mother.


The dark haired woman smacked her son hard across the face, leaving a stinging red mark on his cheek and a cut under his right eye from her ring.

Now, filled with anger, David stomped over, grabbing her by the wrist before she could hit the boy again.

"Don't you EVER hit Max again! Don't even touch him, or go near him!" David said in a low, threatening growl before he scooped Max up in his arms, and walked back to his cabin, the now angry mother close behind, grabbing David by the collar of his shirt before punching him hard in the face.

David kicked her away and slammed the cabin door.

The redhead placed the boy down and grabbed his phone before he noticed Max started to cry, and he instantly pulled Max close.

"Max, I won't let her take you, I'll make sure of it." David said, gently rubbing Max's back.

"D-do you promise David..?"

"I promise, Max."

(I'm so so so sorry I took two months to get a chapter out but here it is! I'll try to get back on track with updates! And I'll have a special chapter for Christmas >:)   Also if you couldn't tell, I couldn't think of good names for the mother)

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