Chapter 8.

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Daniel didn't remember falling asleep, but he must've since he woke up, cuddling David.
He smiled down at the sleeping man, seeing the small innocent look on his face.
He looked so peaceful.
Daniel started to leave small kisses on the brunette's face, seeing a small smile form on his sleeping face.
He felt David's grip tighten around him.
He smiled as he kissed the male's face some more before a small knock at the door.
He looked down at Davey, sighing.
"David, I need to get up." He sighed.
David whined. "Why..?"
Another knock came from the door.
"Cause someone is at the door." Daniel sighed and sat up.
David whined as he was placed back down in the bed, wrapping himself in the blanket.
"Okay, what is it?" Daniel opened the door, met with someone who looked very similar to Gwen, but she was blonde, paler, and her clothes were different.
"Jen!" Daniel smiled as he pulled his friend into a quick hug.
"Hi, Daniel." Jen said with a faint smile.
David sat up, looking at the new person.
"Daniel who is that?" He tilted his head.
Daniel looked over at him.
"Oh! This is my friend, Jen." Daniel motion a hand to Jen.
Jen just gave David a wave before she wrapped an arm around Daniel as she started talking to him again, pulling him out of the cabin and gave a look back at David, giving him a small smirk before she shut the door, leaving David there, looking confused.
He sighed and sat up, fixing his clothes and grabbing a pill bottle he had labeled 'Happiness pills' since he didn't like what they really were.
He took out a pill and swallowed it down, using some water to help him wash it down.
The whole day Daniel was pulled away from David by Jen, not even allowing him to talk to him.
This made him more upset than anything.
He kept trying and trying to talk to the blonde man, each time he was met with the same result, Jen speaking over him.
Max noticed this constant struggle for the other councilor's attention, it actually made him feel bad for the happy councilor.
Max wasn't the only one.
Gwen noticed this as well, and most of the camp did for that matter.
The poor man just wanted the attention from the other man.
The end of the day came and Daniel had finally separated from Jen.
David let out a small happy sigh, walking over and hugging the blonde.
"Oh, hello David!" Daniel smiled.
"Hi." David nuzzled his face into the crook of Daniel's neck.
Daniel chuckled and hugged him.
"You tired Davey?" He looked at the brunette who nodded in response.
"Wanna go to bed?" Daniel smiled.
Once again, David only nodded.
Daniel chuckled and picked up David bridal style, getting a small squeak from David in response.
"Daniel I can walk!" David looked at him.
"I just wanted to carry you, Davey." Daniel smiled and carried him to the cabin.
Once inside, Daniel placed David down on the bed, and was about to lay down before he noticed a small pill bottle on the nightstand, grabbing it.
"What's this?" He attempted to read the label before it was taken away by David, who quickly hid it.
"It's nothing!" David said with a nervous laugh.
"If it's nothing, why did you hide it?" Daniel crossed his arms.
David went quiet for a moment.
Suddenly he just laid down, not saying a word.
"Alright then." Daniel sighed.
He laid down next to David, curling up around him.
David happily cuddled him, and slowly the two drifted off too sleep.
The next day the same thing happened.
Jen had kept Daniel away from David all day.
David quickly got fed up with it.
David started to take Daniel away when he could.
Jen would glare at him or shout out swears at him each time.
Daniel didn't seem to notice the fight between the two over him.
Jen soon took the blonde man back with him, slapping David hard across the face before kneeing him in the stomach, causing the man to let out a small pained cry.
As Daniel looked over to see what was wrong, Jen put on a innocent smile before she started to talk and walk away with Daniel, leaving David in pain where he stood.
He was done with having Daniel continuously dame away.
He was going to have to have a word with Jen.
The point in time came where Jen had finally let Daniel go away, making it so David could talk with her.
"Oh Jen, can I speak to you for a minute?" David asked politely as the Gwen look alike walked over to him.
"What do you want?" She asked, crossing her arms.
"Well, I just want to say, I am honestly tired of you pulling Daniel away from me! I only want to talk to him! He's my friend too you know!" He said in a serious tone, sounding confident with his little statement as well.
That all seemed to go away as Jen laughed, confusing David.
"You really think he's friends with you?" She laughed. "Your too soft and pathetic! He'd never need anyone like you! He'd just be using you!" She said as she watched David's confidence wash away.
"He-he isn't using me! He's my friend! I'm not pathetic!" He shouted at the blonde who only gave a giggle in response.
"You're useless to him! To everyone! Nobody would care if you were gone or not!" She grinned.
David felt tears form in the corners of his eyes, they threatened to spill at any moment.
"You're just a waste of space and air!" She continued, amused as she watched the man tear up and hide his face.
"I should just get rid of you! No one would miss, Daniel especially." She smiled widely and pulled out a dagger, similar to Daniel's, but the handle was a different color.
She took a few steps forward before she swung the blade, cutting across the top of David's head.
The man let out a small scream in pain and attempted to block the next swing, failing and had the dagger stabbed through his hand before being forcefully shoved onto the ground.
"I'm just doing you a favor David." The crazy blonde grinned and took a swing down at David.
David shut his eyes tightly as he expected pain somewhere else on his body.
But instead, he felt someone hug him, hearing a small groan and the sound of a blade cutting through skin.
"Don't worry David.. I got you.. you're okay.." he heard a familiar voice say to him.
He opened his eyes to see Daniel, the dagger stabbed right into his shoulder.

(Imma just leave it here. After two happy chapters I thought, why not add Jen to this whole thing. So until the next chapter, I hope you enjoy this ^^)

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