Chapter 6.

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David woke up with a terrible taste in his mouth and a slight dizzy feeling.
"Where am I..?" He sat up with a groan and looked around.
A hospital room.
"Why am I here..?"
He struggled to remember what happened, but failed to remember.
"Uh hello? Anyone?" He looked around and tried to get up but felt something tug on his arm, he turned to look and see what was on his arm. An iv. He sighed and sat back down on the bed.
He hated having to stay in bed for a long time.
He wanted to go to camp again.
He saw someone open the door, not knowing who.
It was a nurse.
"Hello Mr.-" she said but was cut off.
"Just, call me David." He sighed.
"Alright." She stepped into the room.
"Are you feeling okay?" She asked as she checked everything.
"Yeah.. a bit sick but that's all.. and what happened?" David asked quietly as he watched the woman.
"Oh, well, you have some sort of rat poison in your system from what I've heard from the doctor, and it's currently being flushed out of you system with some meds and stuff." She said as she wrote something down. "Also would you like some water?" She asked and looked at David.
David only nodded.
She then stepped out to get the water for him.
David sat there with a small frown on his face. He missed the kids, he missed Gwen, he missed Daniel, he missed everyone!
He wanted to go back but no, he was stuck in a god damn hospital bed!
He was going to be stuck there for a while and he was not too happy about that.
He looked around, the same things, same boring room, same boring everything. The tv was shut off, no music playing, just silence.
He hated this.
The nurse soon came back in, giving him the water.
"Thank you, miss." David thanked her. "Also, when can I leave..?" He asked quietly.
The nurse looked at him, smiling softly. "As soon as the poison is gone out of your system, maybe five, six days?" She said nicely.
"Alright, thank you." David sighed.
The nurse left, shutting the door behind her.
Alone, again.
This will be a fun five days.
At camp it was unusually quiet.
Now, if you've been to camp Campbell, anyone there could tell you that quiet times were rare and that they were great times to have, but this, this was very different.
This quietness was extremely uncomfortable.
It wasn't right.
Daniel didn't leave the cabin, Gwen didn't either.
The campers didn't even leave their tents for a bit.
David wasn't there to wake them all up.
David was at the hospital.
Gwen was the first one to force herself out of her cabin.
The quietness and the fact that the over all feeling there was less happy without the joyful councilor.
She made her way to David's cabin, knowing Daniel was staying there and knocked on the door.
"Daniel, get up, it's almost twelve, we should've been up six hours ago." She sighed and waited for a response.
"Fuck off Gwen, I don't care." Daniel shouted out for her to hear.
Gwen kicked open the door, looking over at the bed where Daniel laid, hugging a pillow.
"Get up blondie." She sighed and looked at him.
"Make me." Daniel replied, annoyed.
Gwen rolled her eyes and attempted to get him off the bed, but was met with him digging his nails into her arm.
"Ow ow ow! Okay!" She slapped him but he didn't let go.
"Let go!" She pulled her arm away.
"Okay one! You need to cut your nails! And two! I need your help so get your ass out of bed! I'm upset and worried  about David too, but get up!" She crossed her arms.
Daniel groaned and got up.
"Fine." He sighed.
"Thank you!" She sighed and left the cabin, Daniel following.
Daniel woke up the kids with Gwen but wandered off shortly after as he heard the phone ringing.
He answered it with a sigh.
"Hello?" He leaned against the wall.
"Hey, Daniel." A sick sounding voice said from the other line.
Daniel immediately identified the male as David.
"David! You're alright?" He let out a sigh of relief to hear the male's voice.
"Yeah.. I'm sick though." David chuckled, sighing. "And I feel lonely.."
Daniel sighed. "Maybe I can visit you later."
"That would be great!" David said happily.
"Alright! I'll be there later." Daniel smiled.
The two talked for a while until David decided to rest.
Daniel stepped out of the cabin and nearly tripped over Max, knocking Max onto the ground.
"Oh max! I'm so very sorry! I didn't see you there!" Daniel picked up the ten year old who just clung to his bear.
He started carrying it around when David left since he just worried over the councilor.
"Max, you have a teddy bear? Really?" Daniel asked with a grin.
"Yes.." Max hugged the bear close to his chest.
"Aw, how cute." Daniel laughed as he saw the small boy clung to the bear tightly.
"It's not cute." Max kicked his legs around.
"Yes it is max." Daniel chuckled and placed him down.
"No it's not." Max glared before he ran off, last thing he needed was someone teasing him because he had a stuffed toy.
Soon, Daniel decided to visit David, driving to the hospital.
He got to know where the room was and didn't even bother knocking as he walked in without even knocking.
Little did he know he had a shadow following him the whole time.
Daniel looked in at the brunette, who didn't even notice him, too distracted by his book.
The thing to snap his eyes away from the page was the small child hopping onto the bed and hugging him.
"Oh! Hello Max! And hello Daniel!" David smiled and happily hugged back, max clinging to him.
Daniel seemed a bit surprised to see the blue hooded boy there.
"Max, when did you follow me here?" Daniel asked, confused.
"I hopped into the trunk." Max said as he let go of David after a moment.
David let go of the ten year old, smiling.
Daniel sat down with a small sigh.
David looked over with a smile.
"I'm glad your alright, David." Daniel smiled at the man, and laughed as he saw Max nearly fall off the side of the bed.
Max just gave Daniel a glare in response before he hopped off the bed.
"I'm glad to be okay!" David said with a smile.
Daniel chuckled and leaned back in the seat. "I bet your ready to go back to camp, and I honestly wish you could." Daniel sighed and looked over at the councilor.
"Yeah, I do miss camp, and it is really boring here to add to that." David sighed and laid down.
"Yep, it is boring but hey, it's only a few days till you get out, right?" Daniel asked.
"Yeah!" David smiled.
God that smile was adorable. Daniel couldn't help but smile as well.
About an hour went by of them talking before Daniel noticed max was asleep, deciding it might've been a good time to go back.
"Well David, I should probably head back, so, have a good night." Daniel picked up Max.
David frowned a tiny bit. "Alright, well have a good night, Daniel." David smiled at him.
Daniel waved before he left and went to the car. He opened the door and set Max down and buckled him in before he got in and went back to camp, smiling as he drove back.

(Ahhh! Here it is! Hope you guys like it ^^)

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