Chapter 18.

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An uncomfortable silence came over the two for a minute before Todd broke it with a cry of pain, snapping David out of it.
"Excuse me, please." David said politely as he walked up to the front desk and explained his current situation with his pet, the man at the desk stared at him, confused.
"Sir, that's a fox." He said with concern.
"I know he's a fox! I'm not dumb." He sighed and pet the fluff ball.
"Alright then..." the man just sighed and told them to sit and took Todd back to a vet quickly.
David went and sat down, Daniel sitting on over side of him, Max sat on the ground and Bonquisha sat next to him as well, a rather large dog in front of her. A pit bull, he had met a few times before, he looked scary, but was actually really sweet.
The dog walked over and sniffed Max's face, Max just leaning away from the dog.
The uncomfortable silence returned.
The two exs didn't speak a word, Daniel not saying anything either.
Max broke the silence with a small giggle. A small kitten had wandered over to Max, it was a little siamés kitten, it's bright blue eyes the same color as Daniel's.
A lady walked over and picked up the kitten, placing it in a box with it's siblings before she sat down.
It was the waitress from the diner, and a cat resting on her shoulder and another in the box. The kitten jumped back out and waddled over to Max, meowing at the boy.
The woman sighed. "Alright, fine, stay out of the box, you win, this time." She looked down at the kitten who was too distracted by Max's hand to do anything.
Bonquisha finally spoke.
"Hey.. aren't you the waitress from the diner? The one who got attacked by some five year old?" She asked as she carefully pulled her dog away from the kitten and Max.
"Oh, uh me?" The woman asked. "Well, yes, that was me." She said with a sigh and looked at the cat on her shoulder, who kept biting her ear.
"Stop it." She sighed and the cat bit her nose.
"That's fine too." She sighed and glared at the cat.
David chuckled quietly.
Daniel looked over at the waitress.
"So pinky, you got attacked by a five year old??" He laughed.
"No, well sorta, I guess." She shrugged. "And don't call me Pinky, or I'll call you blondie for the remainder of this wait."
Daniel rolled his eyes.
David looked over at Max, smiling as the saw the boy, happy as he played with the kitten.
"So, David, why are you here?" Bonquisha asked as she looked at her dog, who just barked at her.
"Oh, uh, my boss hit my fox with his car." David sighed.
"Wait, wait, hold up, freckles." The waitress interrupted.
"A fox??" She looked at him in disbelief.
"Yes, you heard him right." Daniel joined in.
"David, how in the world did you get a fox??" Bonquisha asked, confused.
"He fell off a cliff." Max said as he looked at them.
"Yep, that's how." David said nothing more about to.
Nothing else about it was spoken.
Daniel soon brought up another topic and all of them started a nice conversation with each other.
Somehow the subject soon came to one on Dates and ones they've been on.
They soon learned that Sarah, the waitress, was actually supposed to go on a date later that night.
"Oooo! So who are you going out with?" David asked with a smile.
"Well, her name is Gwen, and we actually met recently." Sarah said with a smile.
Daniel nearly choked on a piece of gum as he heard the name.
"What's her last name??" Max spoke up.
"Oh, um, it's.. Jones? I think?" Sarah said, struggling to remember.
"That's our Gwen." Max said as he picked up the kitten he was playing with and pet it.
"You know her?" Sarah looked over at the three.
"Yeah!" David smiled. "We work with her! And I've known her since high school, I think you guys will be great together!" David said happily.
"Well, thanks." Sarah smiled.
Soon, David was called over to grab Todd, and Sarah talked to Daniel quickly about the whole kitten thing, and seeing that they were nearly old enough to go to new homes, she gave him her phone number and told her to message her about it soon, knowing max was a big fan of one of them, and loved the little Siamese kitten he played with.
Soon, David came back with Todd, who had a cast on his leg, after having it crushed, and a cone to prevent him from biting at a cut he got from a fight with the platypus earlier that day, and was pretty deep, and David didn't even know about it. To say the least, Todd was not a happy fluff ball.
Max laughed at how ridiculous Todd looked, and Daniel only chuckled.
Sarah said a hello to the small fox and gave him a pet on the head, and Todd just let out a tired yawn.
"Todd looks like some weird lamp!" Max laughed.
"Well, he's out weird lamp, and he's going to be a weird lamp for a while." David chuckled. The group said a goodbyes and the three and their fox went to head home.

Jen ran around the camp, in an unusual panic. She was searching for Jasper, the blonde had just vanished and she knew something was wrong.
'Jasper! Jasper come here! Where did you go!?' She called out as she frantically ran around.
It wasn't until she ran by David's cabin before she stopped, and backed up to the door.
Soft sobs could be heard from inside. Jen walked straight through the door, seeing the young blonde sitting on the floor, crying. The woman felt the need to comfort the crying child.
She slowly walked up to Jasper, wrapping her arms around the small boy in a careful, caring hug.
'Hey kid, what's wrong?' She asked softly.
"They don't know.. they don't know I'm dead.." Jasper said through sobs.
'Who?' Jen looked down at him.
"My mom! My dad! Mr. Campbell never told them what happened to me!" Jasper sobbed.
Jen didn't know what to do but feel bad for the poor kid, and his parents. She sighed and rested her head on Jasper's.
'I can't say I know what that's like, but I'm sure that if we can get David to figure out their phone number, or address, he can tell them.' Jen tried to reassure him.
"I hope so.." Jasper said as he wiped his eyes, and got up.
'Come on, lets go on a walk or something.' Jen said as she walked to the door.
"Yeah.. a walk sounds good.." Jasper said as he walked to the door besides Jen.

(Okay! I liked writing this chapter! And the walking lamp thing is actually a reference to my own cat, who had her tail amputated, and had to wear a cone, and I called her a walking floor lamp a lot. But I hope you like the chapter, and I hope to have the next chapter out soon!)

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